Males and Females

Porkpal told me half-asleep that he loved me, #awkward
From what you've posted so far...he wants more. If you're not interested in more (and I assume you're not), you owe it to him to end it before he really gets hurt. Remember, you're a woman - it'll take you about two seconds to find another fuck-buddy.
Krampussy will attract virgin dicks on the MDF party. PORKING INKLUDET.
I just met this really hot girl at a party on Friday night, friended her on FB and we've been chatting it up a lot. Just saw her in the library just now and she might come back to chat some more. She's my type no question. Slender, fair skin, black hair with red highlights, wears a lot of black, decked in jewelry (including a mjolnir necklace), and keeps repeating the phrase "text me anytime" to me (I tend not to text people beyond pragmatic purposes). She's single according to FB, and this could be a golden opportunity.

She's also hotter than my ex with whom I'm still involved to some nebulous degree, and I'm still attached to her but am now starting to realize that we really shouldn't be this close anymore since it's holding me back. It's a strange enough relationship since we don't communicate that much during the day. She's like the tide coming in and out, sometimes keeping me afloat, sometimes leaving me in a tidal mudflat. Didn't help that last night she asked if I could go to campus, grab her laptop from her dorm, then bring it somewhere off-campus where she was babysitting so she could do homework. I did it and didn't stay too long when I saw her but she kissed me on the cheek as I left.

That and the other day in class I mentioned that I'd hopefully be going somewhere far away for grad school next year. After class she texted me "If go to grad school, I'm coming with you." I've learned not to take statements like that seriously.

I'm in a pickle, guys, since I'm still not sure what she wants with me and I think I'm finally ready to push away from something I should have kept away from but was too weak not to let her pull me back in. We are miles from how we were in August. We're never going to have sex anymore and so long as we are so spiritually distinct I don't see anything possible between us in the long-run. But it sucks that I can't just blot her out of my life, and would feel extremely guilty if I pushed her away and, who knows, somebody else comes into my life so soon. She would probably find out and I would look like a Machiavellian douche who never really loved her. Well that's tough, I guess.

My approach henceforth is to avoid contact with Hillary and keep in touch with this new girl until I have a better idea on where things may be heading.
Oh and to complicate matters, in both a good way and bad, is the fact that new hot girl is mutual friends with one of my best friends, whom I really trust. So all I have to do is tell her that I like her and she can perhaps help play the matchmaker.

The only problem is that she's Hillary's roommate (the trusty friend, that is).
Zeph, go for new girl. Maintain friendship with ex. If things pan out with new girl and you want to lose the ex, once an appropriate amount of time has passed just...drift. Stop seeking contact with her, and when she contacts you be withdrawn. Always be busy.

From page 73 of the Passive Aggressive Guide to Relationships.
Zeph, go for new girl. Maintain friendship with ex. If things pan out with new girl and you want to lose the ex, once an appropriate amount of time has passed just...drift. Stop seeking contact with her, and when she contacts you be withdrawn. Always be busy.

From page 73 of the Passive Aggressive Guide to Relationships.

womanhood 101, befriend the new gf, turn her against ex, leave him all alone.
I just sent this to a chick on facebook. Good strategy imo
