Males and Females

I'm the same. Some hot pakistani girl in the supermarket smiled at me, then joined me in examining the blue cheese sauce range for upwards of 3 minutes without buying any. She must have been giving me an opportunity to hit on her. Fuck my stupid shy nature. If I'd been all sped up or something she would have got hit on like an anvil.
The average human has a desire for sex, but not every single one. Brain chemistry is different in every person, and some people are just asexual.

Or so they think.....

Or so I think this is the way it is......


I suppose that this is a possibility. I just focus more on the fact that humans are mammals and are born with sex organs, but as some people are born with different sex organs I can assume then they can be born with different brain chemestry as well. This does better explain difference of sexual preference(or lack of preference/no preference) between humans.
You're saying No preference and I'm saying Extreme lack of preference.

Couldn't you call this human ability to develop inhuman traits?

I don't usually look into this kind of shit so,
Are there humans that are born with no sex organ at all???
If there aren't then you can say every human has at least one sex organ and therefore IS a sexual creature. (Some may recieve no pleasure from thier sex organ. This points to abnormal brain chemistry)
If there are can you call them human?
I guess what I'm saying is "If you look down, and you have at least one sex organ, you are sexual". Brain chemestry is just how one feels?/percieves?/uses?(trouble finding right word) that organ.

So by saying no desire for sex you aren't actually saying "not sexual".

Which now I see how not every human "has" a desire for it. I'm just saying because of that abnormal brain chemestry they Have not realized thier sexuality. You are saying "It's just NOT there" which is retarded (which means mentally ill, which is an abnormality of the brain/brain chem) :lol:

EDIT: Realized I was using a word incorrectly.
Well, I'm saying it MAY not be there - which yes, is an abnormality of the brain, you could say, but that doesn't necessarily correlate with a mental disorder (though, homosexuality for example was in the DSM long ago :erk:).

In my view, no desire for sex equals not sexual, but if you mean strictly "sexual" on a biological basis involving genitalia, then yeah, sure.

But anyways, isn't saying someone can't realize their sexuality the same as it not being there, to an extent? The point being that, at a given moment, they don't want to, and don't feel like fucking. I'm not saying it's a permanent state by any means, though.

Just because you have something, doesn't mean it works, or it will be used, that is illogical. Not every person with eyes can see, nor every person with ears hear, or every person with legs walk.
But anyways, isn't saying someone can't realize their sexuality the same as it not being there, to an extent?

I mean't they haven't. :lol: thank you for helping me clear this up. :)

I'm still learning how to better use words.
Well, basically that humans have the ability to use sex.
And from that it's simply a choice.
It can be used to make yourself and/or others feel pleasure, or it can be used to make yourself and/or others feel pain.
And there really is no "right or wrong". (some people like pain)

(My beliefs):

Just good and evil which can only be experienced and not taught through words and writing. Neither one is more right than the other because I believe good "needs" evil and evil "needs" good.
So in a nutshell "use it the way you want to and don't worry about what others think".

The second you let others make your decisions is when shit starts to hit the fan. (But to create balance some people are contolled, which is evil playing it's role) There are two sides to everything, and this creates balance.

Any time you force something on someone else be it physical, emotional, whatever it is evil. And good and evil form a circle each one using the other for an ultimate goal.
I've considered this possibility.

I've briefly considered this, but fucking a dude just seems disgusting for me no matter how I look at it.


Most closet homosexuals say this, however I'm not exactly sure how this is disgusting. Though I refuse to listen to anyone who says "ickky".

I'm sorry but I smell male insecurity from FAR FAR away, and I love the smell of it. lol
same one as a few pages ago, yep

Most closet homosexuals say this, however I'm not exactly sure how this is disgusting. Though I refuse to listen to anyone who says "ickky".

I'm sorry but I smell male insecurity from FAR FAR away, and I love the smell of it. lol

I don't have any problem with gay people and I wouldn't have any problem with myself being gay, but I've watched gay porn to see if it turned me on and it doesn't.
I don't have any problem with gay people and I wouldn't have any problem with myself being gay, but I've watched gay porn to see if it turned me on and it doesn't.

Okay, see this to me is normal, but being like ewwwww homos makes me think a guy is way insecure. A normal reaction is just like....."No thanks, not turning me on".

+10 admitting you watched gay porn. lol