Males and Females

I think once out of curiosity doesn't say anything about one's sexuality. With all of the homoerotic insults guys throw around in middle school, it only makes sense that behind closed doors one would want to understand what gay sex is like.

On slightly related note, I want to find a popular and lengthy porn video, and then put Never Gonna Give you Up where the climax should be. Trolling level: over 9000.
Post-porn-watching before losing virginity: I'm never gonna get laid if I don't talk to a real girl blah blah blah.
Post-porn-watching after losing virginity: This shit's so fake. How the hell does it get me off?
same one as a few pages ago, yep


Is she holding a flat shoe up to her head? :guh:
Most closet homosexuals say this, however I'm not exactly sure how this is disgusting. Though I refuse to listen to anyone who says "ickky".

I'm sorry but I smell male insecurity from FAR FAR away, and I love the smell of it. lol

I know Vimana clarified his position for you, but I hate it when people say this shit. They're attempting to make it a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Just because the thought of guys having sex doesn't give me an erection doesn't make me a homophobe. It makes me not gay.
What is interesting to me is this:
Apparently, according to Alfred Kinsey's research, a majority of people are not exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, but somewhere in between.
According to Sigmund Freud's research, sexuality has no natural trajectory or essence. That is, if it's weird to be homosexual, it's equally weird to be heterosexual.

The belief in a traditional sexual orientation that is naturally predetermined is ridiculous.
I know Vimana clarified his position for you, but I hate it when people say this shit. They're attempting to make it a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Just because the thought of guys having sex doesn't give me an erection doesn't make me a homophobe. It makes me not gay.
What is interesting to me is this:
Apparently, according to Alfred Kinsey's research, a majority of people are not exclusively heterosexual or homosexual, but somewhere in between.

That's not how it was put, it was put as "Ewwie" and "Icky" which DOES raise the question of insecurity. His clarification was a proper response. Men just don't do well with this topic.

To be 100% honest with you, your entire post is a little insecure seeming.

Also I'm completely aware of fluid homosexuality, and heterosexuality. I have a good friend who wants to get it on with just ONE guy and isn't attracted to any other men. I am however exclusively heterosexual. I'm not poking fun at anyone's sexuality, at all. However IF a guy here is bi or gay, etc, is this a place he's really going to admit it? lol
Okay, see this to me is normal, but being like ewwwww homos makes me think a guy is way insecure. A normal reaction is just like....."No thanks, not turning me on".

Regarding the whole "disgusting" thing. Yeah, it's a little repulsive. Nothing about a guy's butthole is even remotely attractive. Basically you're saying that in Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne was putting up such a fight against the fags because he actually wanted it really bad. Lol. The entire male body is functionary at best. It's often amazing to me that women like seeing us naked :p

A closet homo would say something like that, kind of like a closet homo might acquire a "beard". Guess that means we must be extremely suspicious of any guy with a female SO who doesn't say "this is just the girl in between his last and next boyfriend".

Edit: This would be the perfect place to admit being gay. No one on here matters IRL.
Regarding the whole "disgusting" thing. Yeah, it's a little repulsive. Nothing about a guy's butthole is even remotely attractive. Basically you're saying that in Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne was putting up such a fight against the fags because he actually wanted it really bad. Lol. The entire male body is functionary at best. It's often amazing to me that women like seeing us naked :p

A closet homo would say something like that, kind of like a closet homo might acquire a "beard". Guess that means we must be extremely suspicious of any guy with a female SO who doesn't say "this is just the girl in between his last and next boyfriend".

Edit: This would be the perfect place to admit being gay. No one on here matters IRL.

We're citing movies for this now? LOL

But no really, Yes saying it's gross raises the red flags and I personally don't care if you like it or not. But yes saying "ew" is 1, child like. 2, a smoke screen (Look I'm not gay, look look).

There's nothing wrong with the male body, I'm surprized any guy who thinks women shouldnt like it ever has anything to do with a woman. Poor self esteem, I hear a ton of issues here, a ton. I'm not trying to be offensive, but holy shit balls insecure men are so annoying.
But no really, Yes saying it's gross raises the red flags and I personally don't care if you like it or not. But yes saying "ew" is 1, child like. 2, a smoke screen (Look I'm not gay, look look).

There's nothing wrong with the male body, I'm surprized any guy who thinks women shouldnt like it ever has anything to do with a woman. Poor self esteem, I hear a ton of issues here, a ton. I'm not trying to be offensive, but holy shit balls insecure men are so annoying.

Anal sex is gross. Claiming that there's nothing wrong with the male body and equating that to sticking your dick in another dude's asshole isn't the same thing. Sticking your dick in any asshole is gross. Just because someone says (me in this particular instance) a guy sticking his dick in another guy's asshole because he's attracted to guys is gross doesn't mean I have any insecurities or I'm that I'm closet homo. That's silly. All you're doing is attacking gay bashers, which you can do quite effectively by calling them douchebags for giving that much of a fuck about something that doesn't concern them. You don't need to play armchair psychologist to get your point across.
Anal sex is gross. Claiming that there's nothing wrong with the male body and equating that to sticking your dick in another dude's asshole isn't the same thing. Sticking your dick in any asshole is gross. Just because someone says (me in this particular instance) a guy sticking his dick in another guy's asshole because he's attracted to guys is gross doesn't mean I have any insecurities or I'm that I'm closet homo. That's silly. All you're doing is attacking gay bashers, which you can do quite effectively by calling them douchebags for giving that much of a fuck about something that doesn't concern them. You don't need to play armchair psychologist to get your point across.

Gross is a matter of opinion, you understand that right? Once again, it's child like. Calling something silly, doesn't make any less true. I feel like I'm hurting a bunch of grown men's feelings. IF you're not secure enough to just say......"I'm not gay" then yes YOU ARE INSECURE. ;)

Aug, I've had my current boyfriend do that to me, lol It didn't feel like I expected it to.

See Aug, Vimana, and Weareinflames all seem quite secure, they're able to joke about it, etc and just say they're not gay. Rather than getting bent outta shape about it.
What the hell is happening here. I'm confused. What has sticking a dick in a man's asshole being gross have to do with insecurity. But seriously it's disgusting.
I just appeal to the ancient Greeks, as usual. Sexuality was not an identity, merely a practice.

Quite a liberal practice, I think though that how we search for a mate now, or mates is why it's become an identity. It's very rare to meet a man whose sexuality isn't part of his identity because they wouldn't want to be mistaken for being homosexual, etc. For women though this isn't very concerning.
I think the most gay porn I've seen is when surfing for streaming stuff you stumble upon those websites that lump all the straight, bisexual and gay porn together while you're browsing for something you like. It's kinda annoying, because you have a stiffy for the straight stuff but the gay thumbnails are there. YOU QUESTION YOURSELF! *gasp* Then your boner dies. And you lose wanking time.