Males and Females

I think the most gay porn I've seen is when surfing for streaming stuff you stumble upon those websites that lump all the straight, bisexual and gay porn together while you're browsing for something you like. It's kinda annoying, because you have a stiffy for the straight stuff but the gay thumbnails are there. YOU QUESTION YOURSELF! *gasp* Then your boner dies. And you lose wanking time.

WANKING TIME? That's so quotable. lol

My boyfriend tells me that sites always have like.....straight, bi, gay, shemale, lesbian all grouped together so you see it anyway. lol

I'm sorry but if I was male there's no way......I'd be hella homo, same as now, hawt sweaty muscular guys. :lol:
WANKING TIME? That's so quotable. lol

My boyfriend tells me that sites always have like.....straight, bi, gay, shemale, lesbian all grouped together so you see it anyway. lol

I'm sorry but if I was male there's no way......I'd be hella homo, same as now, hawt sweaty muscular guys. :lol:

You’re starting to piss me off.
WANKING TIME? That's so quotable. lol

My boyfriend tells me that sites always have like.....straight, bi, gay, shemale, lesbian all grouped together so you see it anyway. lol

I'm sorry but if I was male there's no way......I'd be hella homo, same as now, hawt sweaty muscular guys. :lol:

Yeah it's really off-putting. It's like the true test of your sexuality and fetish preferences. :loco:
There's this really yummy Australian girl on my course. The problems with pursuing her are numerous though. She's a full on jesus junkie and basically has at least one male member of jesusoc attached to her at all times. She's also socially conservative and doesn't believe in sex before marriage. Oh gay.

She' was rubbing the her foot against mine under the desk though. She always seems slightly afraid of me though. I don't think I'm confident enough for her to find me hot anyway. Balls.
No because that's mean. Imagine Mary Elizabeth Winstead a little shorter and with dark blonde hair.
We're citing movies for this now? LOL

But no really, Yes saying it's gross raises the red flags and I personally don't care if you like it or not. But yes saying "ew" is 1, child like. 2, a smoke screen (Look I'm not gay, look look).

There's nothing wrong with the male body, I'm surprized any guy who thinks women shouldnt like it ever has anything to do with a woman. Poor self esteem, I hear a ton of issues here, a ton. I'm not trying to be offensive, but holy shit balls insecure men are so annoying.

Some people can find issues in anything. I'm happily married with kids. Of course, I could just be saying that, since this is the interwebz.

@ KR: Brofist! (Where the sun don't shine LOLZOMGZ!)
Yeah it's really off-putting. It's like the true test of your sexuality and fetish preferences. :loco:

lol, I tend to use my imagination, to imagine just what I described. That's def what I prefer. As for offputting, I tend to think of the way we're objectified as far more off putting than anything sex act I've actually seen. Then again the only woman i see naked is myself, which is just fine with me. lol

@Over, hey if you're married honestly your security is between you and the wife, nuff said imo.

@Sent, Confidence is a factor in a man being sexy for sure.
Wishful thinking doesn't ever get men very far. lol "I am not, YOU ARE", lets at least pretend we're not so childish? lol

Yes, I explained it, it made sense, and you simply don't like it. That's fine, lets move on. lol

You are being highly inconsistent. But yes, let's move on. More about DPs and such.
Sounds like VP is a closet dyke. :p

Probably. I was merely trying to state that I hate being called homophobic because gay sex does not make me horny. I have no moral objection to homosexuality, and am not grossed out by it at all. But it does not arouse me. And of course, she calls me insecure and assumes that I'm saying "EWW I HATE FAGGOTS LOL", which is not even close to what I was saying. I could point out that she is being a hypocrite by saying that there is no way she could be sexually attracted to a woman (but is not a homophobe), but then she'd just reply "Y U BUTTHURT? U WANT SUCK PENIS?"
Probably. I was merely trying to state that I hate being called homophobic because gay sex does not make me horny. I have no moral objection to homosexuality, and am not grossed out by it at all. But it does not arouse me. And of course, she calls me insecure and assumes that I'm saying "EWW I HATE FAGGOTS LOL", which is not even close to what I was saying. I could point out that she is being a hypocrite by saying that there is no way she could be sexually attracted to a woman (but is not a homophobe), but then she'd just reply "Y U BUTTHURT? U WANT SUCK PENIS?"

Problem is that'd be a strawman argument, and yes you 2 are butthurt, pointing that out before I do doesn't make it any less true. lol.

2 there's nothing hypocritical about it, I never once said women were gross as you did. Now you guys can jerk each other off more over me, and I'll ignore both of you, or you can stop. Your choice.

The hypocrisy is you saying you've no moral objection to homosexuality and then trying to use it to call me one to get a rise outta me. Which is it? mmhmmm