Males and Females

I don't know how you do it. The one thing that really made me not want to have sex was having sex. Every guy I've met in high school seems to crave sex and talk about it more the more they have it, but for me, it was the opposite. It was like, yes, I stuck my dick in a girl, it felt nice, but it wasn't as fulfilling as tracing etymological chains throughout history and the world or having a deep, meaningful conversation. I'm open to the idea that I have my priorities backwards socially, and by open, I mean I'm pretty damn sure.
That's what I did, haha. All the times I had sex were followed with hours of meaningful conversation.
One day young Joe will overcome his apathy towards sex, and this will be the first place he posts about it.
Try sticking your dick in someone you can do such things with afterward.


The phrase "Friend with benefits".

The majority of people put too much emphasis on the "benefits", and not the friend.

Which isn't exactly bad. It makes finding your "friend" something that can be appreciated to a greater extent.
you could just be asexual, meaning you have no desire for sex.

Every human being is a sexual creature.

So everyone DOES have a desire for sex.
It's just not as important/as strong of a desire to some people.

Deep inside(giggling at sex references) everyone wants to fuck the shit out of someone/something. :lol:
And from there it's a matter of self control.
Every human being is a sexual creature.

So everyone DOES have a desire for sex.
It's just not as important/as strong of a desire to some people.

Deep inside(giggling at sex references) everyone wants to fuck the shit out of someone/something. :lol:
And from there it's a matter of self control.

This is true, even if you take, say Spironolactone you'll still think about just won't be able to have any...or much. lol
Every human being is a sexual creature.

So everyone DOES have a desire for sex.
It's just not as important/as strong of a desire to some people.

Deep inside(giggling at sex references) everyone wants to fuck the shit out of someone/something. :lol:
And from there it's a matter of self control.

Every human being is a sexual creature.

So everyone DOES have a desire for sex.
It's just not as important/as strong of a desire to some people.

Deep inside(giggling at sex references) everyone wants to fuck the shit out of someone/something. :lol:
And from there it's a matter of self control.

The average human has a desire for sex, but not every single one. Brain chemistry is different in every person, and some people are just asexual.
Ugh, I need to really work on my ability to communicate with people I don't know ahead of time. Went to Gamestop to get my copy of Skyward Sword on Sunday and there was this cute blonde chick in line behind me and I kept thinking to myself "say something. say hi." but I just kept quiet and left right after grabbing my game, no attempt to make conversation.
