Males and Females

Ex did end up coming over to spend the night. Had no serious discussions, cuddled all night. She just left and kissed me goodbye. God did I miss sleeping with a woman in my embrace.

Awwww once you get used to sleeping with someone it's hard to fall asleep without them in my experience, I know I've got it easy now, it's good that there's SOME guys that know this. lol
Cuddle to death

Cuddle with ex
cuddle to death
it’s better than sex
it’s better than meth

Not for me, dear son
not for augified person
deepthroat my micromember
curvaceous body I dismember
Urgh some girl on OKC keeps asking me what aftershave I wear, what phone I have.

Goddamit I'm a student. I don't see why diggers even bother messaging me.
Okay, so I'm back from Singapore. Had the most amazing 4 days with Singapore girl... We both really want to work it out, but it all depends on my work situation and where I end up working. She was going to come to Australia to do post-grad studies some time next year so hopefully everything pans out well. It was kind of heartbreaking seeing her so sad, seeing me off at the airport. I was rather upset by it as well.

For now though, I'll be going to Melbourne in 4 days for another holiday. Fuck bitches, screw relationships, profit.
Just wait. Pretty soon you won't care about her everyday life and you will just want the texting to stop while you're playing Starcraft, so that you can fully enjoy the glory that is obliterating the enemy's fleet of carriers with a shitload of scourge and then massacring their base with guardians.

Relationships suck in the internet age, to be honest. I'd imagine before texting people wouldn't be talking to each other as much, but growing up in the age of the internet, every single free fucking moment in my past relationships was dedicated to texting my significant other because neither one wanted to be the one that says "you know, we should talk less. It's fucking annoying to not be able to do something that takes both hands like Starcraft and guitar."
Just wait. Pretty soon you won't care about her everyday life and you will just want the texting to stop while you're playing Starcraft, so that you can fully enjoy the glory that is obliterating the enemy's fleet of carriers with a shitload of scourge and then massacring their base with guardians.

Relationships suck in the internet age, to be honest. I'd imagine before texting people wouldn't be talking to each other as much, but growing up in the age of the internet, every single free fucking moment in my past relationships was dedicated to texting my significant other because neither one wanted to be the one that says "you know, we should talk less. It's fucking annoying to not be able to do something that takes both hands like Starcraft and guitar."

If you need to talk less I'm gonna say you're with the wrong person, I've never had a relationship issue that was "talking too much" Communication is usually lacking badly for most. Now I understand some young men do have a serious relationship with their video games, sadly.
Nah, I've had an ex I really enjoyed the company of, but just like I couldn't spend every free moment playing Starcraft, I couldn't spend every free moment texting. We used to talk for hours in person, and I really enjoyed that, but "me time" decreased for me sharply because we both felt the need to text for the reason I named, and so I'd have to stop whatever I was doing every couple minutes, or, if I really didn't want to, couldn't, or just forgot to text back, I'd have to lie and say something like "oh, my dad was talking to me" or "the text didn't go through" because telling her I forgot because I was playing Starcraft or watching tv or something would just give the impression that I didn't care. However, I didn't break up with her because of an insatiable hunger for Starcraft (though I do kind of have that), the whole feeling obligated to talk 24/7 thing kind of contributed to the relationship drying up.

Edit: Not to brag, but she liked me a lot more than I liked her, and she didn't have any problem with texting 24/7. Every time I didn't text her back, she'd tell me my text didn't go through, as if she had the expectation that I was fine with texting so much, which would have made it harder to tell her that I wasn't.
Yeah, but at the same time I WANT to be with her and I WANT to do stuff with her. We were both upfront with each other and said that we both need alone time once in a while. I'm going to start doing 4-5 hour study sessions daily for this exam once December rolls around, so I won't be seeing her much.