Males and Females

I've never been the type to hump and dump. Although that could be because I've never done it..

It's only hard in Cincinnati because you have to shut out the voice in your head that screams "WHY THE FUCK DO I LIVE HERE?" It takes a lot of effort, so dating is a lot harder to do.

Once this DUI bullshit is done, I'm seeking living arrangements elsewhere. I'll probably jet out to Denver and chill with my uncle for a while.
So, I got this text from my friend at like 2 AM:

Heard from Tina (friend's wife) that HN is worried her personality is too strong for you. Would like more give and take. Whatever that means

I guess this means she wants me to be more assertive, but how am I supposed to do this on a first date? What does she want from me?

This is why I don't fucking date ever. It's too much analyzing stupid bullshit. I know Rick's advice was to just remember that 'bitches be crazy' but it's hard sometimes given how my brain is wired.
I hate women that criticize any interest, pastime or activity that is not related to attracting immature sluts.

"Uh, that's a book, n'urrrgh, urgh, don't you know lasses don't lads wot read, we like lads who are like, tough n that. You should act more like wot coloured people do, like"

Go and die in a hole you miserable disgrace to your species.
I hate women that criticize any interest, pastime or activity that is not related to attracting immature sluts.

"Uh, that's a book, n'urrrgh, urgh, don't you know lasses don't lads wot read, we like lads who are like, tough n that. You should act more like wot coloured people do, like"

Go and die in a hole you miserable disgrace to your species.
:lol: I thought my grandma was the only one that still used the phrase colored people
I actually prefer assertive women because they don't do games or bullshit.

All women do games and bullshit. The difference with 'assertive women', or 'women with strong personalities' is that they are smarter and make you feel like they aren't doing games and bullshit when they're actually doing worse games and bullshit.
I disagree. Though rare, there are women out there who don't play games or attempt backhanded manipulation. I dated a girl like that.
"Women with strong personalities" are only fucking posers. Women are weak shit and when they see your dick their mind is as strong as a starving black baby in Sahara. They deserve that dick in every hole as that is their guide and their instinct. That is their real life.
This is a gay thing to say but you can have a no bullshit relationship. Just find a girl who is sufficiently physically attracted to you and state that there cannot be any bs on the first date.
...Contrary to the sexism that is prevalent on the internet, there ARE women out there that aren't high-maintenance or highly illogical...
So, ex came over (the hot red-head) so I could help her with French and cook her some food. So long story short, whatever I said about us not being able to be friends may change, and that a lot of it was all in my head (yes I acknowledge this has been and could still go back and forth, but whatever). We ended up having a long conversation about what our views on relationships are and it's pretty clear that we're not getting back together (well, it wasn't stated, but I'm going to make the assumption for my sake).

It was clear that our incompatibility was mainly due to her surfeit of spirituality and my lack thereof.

Well we ended up making out before she left. I'm interpreting this as post-relationship-still-have-feelings-for-eachother-so-why-not, rather than it pointing toward any kind of renewal, and I'm happy because of that.

I'm just going to take this all at face value and be happy I got to kiss her again. This has been a good week.

Cliffs: Made out with ex tonight.
"Women with strong personalities" are only fucking posers. Women are weak shit and when they see your dick their mind is as strong as a starving black baby in Sahara. They deserve that dick in every hole as that is their guide and their instinct. That is their real life.

I agree. Although I would say that in a more diplomatic way :lol:
Whoa, wait a second. Your ex came to your pad, had deep conversations with you and you cooked for her and didn't fuck her? That bitch was screaming for some cock brother. :confused:

No, she wouldn't have. She's come to have really fucked up views on sex. She thinks that all of a sudden when she meets the right person and falls in love with him, poof, sex will become awesome. And in any other context it would make her feel huge guilt for "acting like an animal under the eyes of God." Oh course, she also says that "the Holy Spirit is better than sex."

And least I got to hit it a few times while we were together. Too bad.