Males and Females

I'm getting more pretty girls messaging me on OkC now. This is win. They all actually live here as well. Might have to get on that.
Two dates lined up. One with the girl I mentioned a couple of pages ago and one with a (tbh hotter) other girl next week. Fucking wincastles.
Well some girl got me to date her and kept going on about what kind of relationship she wanted and how she wanted to move in but I'm not really up for that. I'm moving and she's not that hot.
PP has been upgraded to "eating buddy" which is code for "we are totally a couple but krampus doesn't want to admit it." I changed my OKCupid to "seeing someone" because I got sick of getting too many messages.
In Rockhampton in Queensland and have been travelling around alot in the recent week but looks like I'll be here over the weekend. There are two nightclubs and a few pubs, apparently there are alot of backpackers here. I'm not sure how the fuck I'm going to pickup with no wingman.
I'm finding it odd that I was having more success on POF than OKC, nothing but scummy Hills Have Eyes-esque chicks messaging me on OKC.
I'm doing the quickmatch thing and I've been giving every girl 1/5 stars, just to be an asshole. Fucking whores.

I did stumble upon a complete slut on there. She has pictures of her nearly naked showing off her large boobs. She talks about how she loves to have sex and how she can take 13 inch penises. I thought about messaging her just to call her a whore and posting some Abigail/Barbatos lyrics.
I have way more luck on OkCupid than plenty of fish. In the UK, the POF users are chavs. In other words girls like this:


But on OKcupid they're like this:
In Rockhampton in Queensland and have been travelling around alot in the recent week but looks like I'll be here over the weekend. There are two nightclubs and a few pubs, apparently there are alot of backpackers here. I'm not sure how the fuck I'm going to pickup with no wingman.
I've never tried picking up with a wingman. I'm always solo. You can do it! :lol: What does having a wingman do and teach you? Other than the obvious introduction accomplishment "Yeah, this guy here just levitated over the Niagra Falls"(I know someone here gets that reference. :D).
Not so much, but it helps a little especially when you're approaching a group of girls. Most girls are in groups of four or five.

It's not just that though, all of my colleagues are above 45 and have their own families and kids. I'm the only retard below 25 alone in these cities (I would've been in 5 cities come next week), been spending alot of time on my own actually.
I browsed POF tonight and ick. From a design standpoint, it looks like it's not even a legit website, like the kind of thing you get when you type .com when it should have been .net. It's just fugly. And the girls I saw on the first page or two weren't any better. Maybe it's a regional thing, but there's no shortage of pretty girls on OKC here. A lot of artsy and fucked-up types. POF seems like girls who are really square, or who are physically square-shaped. I guess it's good in that it supposedly steers you to the type of people you're compatible with, rather than the way OKC lets you self-select what you want, which does nothing to help out people with bad dating tendencies. I think I will just take some time off from OKC and see if some fresh faces pop up when I come back in the new year. I've been in a rut. A lot of that is just on me for having to work a lot and being too tired to put any thought into it.

I don't know why anyone would use eHarmony with how much they charge for that.
I'd imagine that people willing to pay more to find the "right" person are more serious about finding that person, rather than people just willing to take a few seconds to use a free site.
Just kicked some girl out of bed. I kind of feel like an asshole but there was no way we could "be together".