Males and Females

Yeah dude, we don't cuddle with guys we don't find attractive. It's totally repulsive to even think about.

Porkpal is taking me to expensive fancydinner for my birthday tomorrow and got special bud for us to smoke. <3
Just watched a show on TLC about geek dating. NYC Comicon speed dating and then the subsequent dates that followed. Suffice to say I feel incredibly normal after watching that... I also look at most people at metal shows and think "fucking freaks" while at the same time at work thinking "wow these people are boring." I'm stuck in some fucked up limbo world between geek, metal head, and preppy/professional.
Don't worry dude, I'm there, too. It doesn't help that the label of "geek" is becoming more meaningless these days. It sucks, because in the future I'm probably going to have to try my luck dating by identifying myself as "guy who likes Starcraft, history, and language."
You know how there's that idea of six degrees of separation (well according to Facebook it's only four)? Well, I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast and they were talking about some pornstar Redban (podcast producer) was dating. I started thinking, "I don't know any pornstars. I don't know anyone who does webcams or any of that shit but there seems to be so many chicks that do this shit, how do I not know anyone in that world?" So does anyone here know someone who is in the "adult entertainment" industry?

Technically speaking, I do know someone who posed in Playboy. Here name is Destiny White and she is hot.
In a weird spot with my lady friend. I just met her last month, but we've already become very close Platonic friends. We've mutually established that we're nothing more than friends, but then there's the case of things like last night where she stayed over after having a few drinks. This is the third time in the past couple of weeks we've slept in the same bed, and the level of intimacy has increased from mild cuddling to last night where she forced me to hold her, lock legs, and reach a state where we mutually used one another's face as a pillow. I attribute this to the alcohol, but I still don't know where we stand. Again, I can't say that I care about the whole thing, because I'm perfectly happy with us just being omgclose pals, but the situation is just perplexing to me.

Have a few drink, and start kissing her. If I had to guess I'd say she wants you but is too shy to really do it. She comes on to you after drinking because she can blame it on the alcohol. Well, you can do the same thing. Get some alcohol in both of you, and then when the moment is right, strike.
There's this girl who keeps "like" -ing every single post I make in some facebook group. She's decent looking, and she happens to be in a lot of parties I go to. I might make a move soon.
I knew (not very well) a girl who did Playboy online. She was cute, but wasn't drop dead gorgeous or anything. I think what gets lost in most pictures is a sense of scale. A lot of those girls are like, 5'1", and and have good boobs, but they look massive since people are often still in the mindset that models are 6 feet tall or so.

Most of the people doing pro porn are out in California, so I wouldn't expect most people to know any.
I don't want to be super judgemental or anything but I would imagine pornstars as being nasty, loud, obnoxious bitches.
Just watched a show on TLC about geek dating. NYC Comicon speed dating and then the subsequent dates that followed. Suffice to say I feel incredibly normal after watching that... I also look at most people at metal shows and think "fucking freaks" while at the same time at work thinking "wow these people are boring." I'm stuck in some fucked up limbo world between geek, metal head, and preppy/professional.

Yeah, I'd wager that many people in the world feel they fall in this category. Just be glad you're a functional member of society!

I had lunch today with an ex who I haven't seen since before I went to Japan. It was nice. I don't know if I can ever go back to skinny body types now that I've experienced the joy of being tossed around by someone who is football player shaped and sized, though.