Males and Females

Yeah, I don't think I could handle those thunder thighs...Just kidding; I could. I just totally wouldn't want to.

damnromulans likes this.

Porkpal got me some pretty sweet presents for birthdaychristmasmiracle. Lacoste fleece bathrobe with a pointy hood, ghost pepper spicy kimchee, platypus shaped earrings, socks with elephants on them, and a tote bag that says "let's cuttle" on it.

Philadelphia Collins is my latest body type preference though. Peanut butter and jaaaaaaaam!
Wow, seeing everyone post makes me feel not so skinny. 6'1 172 lbs. When I graduated high school I was 6'1 140 lbs...32 lbs in 9 years... not too shabby =P
Went on a date with a pretty cool chick, we have a very similar music & movie taste (except for metuhl), are into photography, like to travel, and got along really well. Hope it continues to fold out well.
so last night I went out to a bar with one of my best friends, and this girl I dated back in 8th-9th grade. We've stayed friends ever since, and she moved up to NorCal to go to college, so we don't see each other very often, but we talk.

Anyway. Throughout the night and in the car ride home (I rode home with buddy drove separate), she was trying to hold my hand and put her hand on my leg. She had been kind of touchy feely the whole night. She has a boyfriend, and they've been together for 3 years. I'm very much in a committed relationship but goddamn women...playing with my emotions! I don't know. It kind of bothered me.
so last night I went out to a bar with one of my best friends, and this girl I dated back in 8th-9th grade. We've stayed friends ever since, and she moved up to NorCal to go to college, so we don't see each other very often, but we talk.

Anyway. Throughout the night and in the car ride home (I rode home with buddy drove separate), she was trying to hold my hand and put her hand on my leg. She had been kind of touchy feely the whole night. She has a boyfriend, and they've been together for 3 years. I'm very much in a committed relationship but goddamn women...playing with my emotions! I don't know. It kind of bothered me.

Since 9th grade? That's bizarre. Then again, I can understand a bit. My first ex-girlfriend and I are best friends but the fact that we were at that level in the past will never be erased from my conscience. But I'm of the psychological disposition that feelings for any previous girlfriends can only be expunged by engagement with a current one.

On an unrelated note, long-distance sucks, but I suppose it's healthy, especially with someone new. I'll see her again after New Years.
But I'm of the psychological disposition that feelings for any previous girlfriends can only be expunged by engagement with a current one.

this is how I am. I'm at the least civil with all of my ex girlfriends. I'm on friendly terms with them, but they've all moved away, so there's no hanging out...not that I probably would if they lived near me.

*waiting for Rick to come in*
so last night I went out to a bar with one of my best friends, and this girl I dated back in 8th-9th grade. We've stayed friends ever since, and she moved up to NorCal to go to college, so we don't see each other very often, but we talk.

Anyway. Throughout the night and in the car ride home (I rode home with buddy drove separate), she was trying to hold my hand and put her hand on my leg. She had been kind of touchy feely the whole night. She has a boyfriend, and they've been together for 3 years. I'm very much in a committed relationship but goddamn women...playing with my emotions! I don't know. It kind of bothered me.

Us women can be quite touchy, especially after drinks.
Is she still living in NorCal, or has she moved to your area?
To me it sounds like some kind of latent feelings (or maybe just lust) that probably mean nothing and were only released by alcohol. I wouldn't think about it.
she still lives in NorCal. I talked about it with one of my best friends who is also a female. I figured it was because she mentioned earlier things weren't going well with her boyfriend of 3 years, and that she and I are very similar in almost every respect. So it was more like a wanting-to-feel-some-sort-of-connection-with-another-person...thing
she still lives in NorCal. I talked about it with one of my best friends who is also a female. I figured it was because she mentioned earlier things weren't going well with her boyfriend of 3 years, and that she and I are very similar in almost every respect. So it was more like a wanting-to-feel-some-sort-of-connection-with-another-person...thing

Yes, I totally agree that sounds about right!
I am on a serious cold streak on OkCupid. That gets fucking frustrating, especially when I am putting some thought into these drunken messages. I am following my own advice, which is to be sure to get drunk enough to not care in the morning about it, but not too drunk to be embarrassed by the content. Still. Striking out on about a dozen in a row is pretty demoralizing. It's like the stench of failure clings to the words even. When it's going good I can get replies about half the time.

The "New Friends" and "Long-Distance Penpals" options are the biggest fucking lie on the planet. I am pretty sure no woman who isn't overweight has made a long-distance penpal, and "new friends" is either someone who's just dicking around or not willing to say they only want to fuck hot guys.

Time to drink some more.