Males and Females

I want a nice soft sweet brunette with a middle class voice and brilliant cooking skills, specialising in traditional English cuisine. If some mulleted lesbians at the council don't like that then they go and a sit on a traffic cone.
If you make a commitment to someone when you think there might be someone better out there: You're doing it wrong.

Of course, there's always gonna be better looking people out there no matter who you pick, IE, the old joke about 18 year olds.

Marraige isn't about that.

I agree. I just think that the whole concept of being committed for the rest of one's life is a little naive. I'll probably change my mind if I keep being forever alone, though. It's probably better to have a partner when a better one exists than none at all, but right now I can't believe that on an emotional level.

You can delete your account on just takes a while to find unless they changed it in the 2 months since I deleted my account

I think it changed. I tried to delete my account and it was just deactivated or something. I think that's all you can do.
I think it changed. I tried to delete my account and it was just deactivated or something. I think that's all you can do.

I think deletion vs. deactivation is really just a question of semantics in most cases, i.e. i would guess that most big websites that allow you to delete an account still retain some of that account info in some historical database.
I agree. I just think that the whole concept of being committed for the rest of one's life is a little naive. I'll probably change my mind if I keep being forever alone, though. It's probably better to have a partner when a better one exists than none at all, but right now I can't believe that on an emotional level.

Well it's obviously personal preference. No one in modern societies is forced to get married, and getting married to "solve problems" rarely does that, and usually just heaps more on the pile.
zabu of nΩd;10126624 said:
I think deletion vs. deactivation is really just a question of semantics in most cases, i.e. i would guess that most big websites that allow you to delete an account still retain some of that account info in some historical database.

I think there's a law that says you can't do that, but I may be wrong. I'll have to see.

Well it's obviously personal preference. No one in modern societies is forced to get married, and getting married to "solve problems" rarely does that, and usually just heaps more on the pile.

Agreed. Sometimes I wonder if it may disappear altogether.
Was supposed to go on a date with a cute fit blonde last night but I almost got stood up. It was probably good thinking that I tried to contact her before I booked a reservation because she decided to change her plans for that night. I have gone out with her a few times before this. However, this happened once before so fuck that, time to move on.
Agreed. Sometimes I wonder if it may disappear altogether.

The positive significance a loving and stable lifetime partnership has on the children of the union is undeniable, and were it to be lost, it would be to the detriment of society as a whole.

I do not expect this to happen.
I don't see how a stable lifetime partnership is vital to the functioning of society. But I guess we see things differently.
I don't see how a stable lifetime partnership is vital to the functioning of society. But I guess we see things differently.

Stability is nothing without love (in a family). My wife's parents are still "together", but according to my wife there has never been love, and there certainly isn't any now. But they stay married anyway, which isn't good for anyone. My parents divorced when I was a teenager, but all we as the children received was love, even after the split.

My experience with all the products of unloving homes in childhood friendships, the Marine Corps, and my wife's extended family, is that the only people who dismiss the importance of love/stability in a family, do so out of the denial defense mechanism, because they never had it.
I think society could function pretty well without families.

"Function well" is a subjective statement. "Family" is also ambiguous, although I would agree that society could function better with no families at all than with love-less families. You seem to have a dislike or at least a disinterest in women and children though, so your opinion is not surprising.
I think grouping is a source of a lot of issues in humanity, and that accounts for couples, too. But maybe I'm just bitter because my standards are too high to give myself to a woman or even another human emotionally.
In this day and age, polyamory makes more sense to me.

Decades/centuries/millenias ago, the scope of social interaction was somehow limited by someone's village, city, or small entourage. Nowadays, people's social circles have become ridiculously more vast than before, and thus, the probability of being satisfied by just one partner is lower, as one is more likely to meet other relationship prospects.

If i'm gonna marry a girl to end up constantly cheating on her ten years later, better not step into this conundrum in the first place.
Well, went on a second date with a girl I met on OkCupid, and it went good, but not sure how it was beyond that. Hard to gauge if she's interested in me, partially because (as mentioned in her profile), she's only been in one relationship which was like 6 years long that recently ended, not that that's an issue, but maybe lends to the whole not showing any signs? I feel like I should just ask or something, not sure if that's a good idea though.
Worst case scenario you remove your picture, delete your profile info, and let it rot.
yeah I seriously need to do that. I get e mails constantly that randoms want to meet me. Yet no one sends out a message.

Well, went on a second date with a girl I met on OkCupid, and it went good, but not sure how it was beyond that. Hard to gauge if she's interested in me, partially because (as mentioned in her profile), she's only been in one relationship which was like 6 years long that recently ended, not that that's an issue, but maybe lends to the whole not showing any signs? I feel like I should just ask or something, not sure if that's a good idea though.

any update?

That's a secret i can't tell.
ohhh :) okie