Males and Females

Well if it's any consolation, i'm on my 27th year single without having dated or slept with anyone
zabu of nΩd;10131549 said:
Well if it's any consolation, i'm on my 27th year single without having dated or slept with anyone

You gotta present it as intentional. Practice some positive spin:

"Cheap bitches don't deserve mah dick!"
Talking back and forth to a cute kinda geeky chick on OKC. She replies back but always takes like 3 days to do so. Beginning to think there's not much interest on her end. I'll drop the "lets grab a bite to eat" line pretty soon to swing it one way or another. If yes then cool we'll keep talking and get to know each other IRL/facebook, or we quit wasting each others time and move along to greener pastures.

One thing the sales portion of my job has taught me is to stop giving fuck about rejection. I'm picky enough about women, can't be too timid to just tell them you're interested. If they say no, fuck em, worry about what they think when you've been dating a while. Definitely still need to work on my smalltalk though...
IMO, you don't have to be super good looking to get girls.

Grant, you sound like an extremely intelligent and funny guy judging from your posts and experiences. Just dress well, put in more effort to socialize and you'll be fine.

I haven't had sex in 4 months. I've already got blue balls.
any update?

Oh yeah, put it in the whining and bitching thread:

"Saw that the girl I went out with a couple times in the past week or so just became in a relationship with some dolphin trainer, fuuuuuuuuuuu. Guess that explains why she didn't seem as interested on our second outing."

So uh, fuck dolphin trainers.

Anyways, I hope 2012 fares better relationship wise. Too much confusing nonsenical stupidity happened in 2011 (aka Lovecraft tattoo girl).
One thing the sales portion of my job has taught me is to stop giving fuck about rejection. I'm picky enough about women, can't be too timid to just tell them you're interested. If they say no, fuck em, worry about what they think when you've been dating a while. Definitely still need to work on my smalltalk though...

We seem rather alike when it comes to women, based on your posts. I used to suck at smalltalk with them, but then the rise in my pickiness made it easier for me. When a little detail of a girl's personality throws off all of my potential interest for a relationship, having a conversation about her day is a million times easier. There is no personal pressure on me to establish a deeper connection or to get her to like me. Besides, relationships I had with girls where I was friends with them first went so much better.

IMO, you don't have to be super good looking to get girls.

Grant, you sound like an extremely intelligent and funny guy judging from your posts and experiences. Just dress well, put in more effort to socialize and you'll be fine.

Agreed. It doesn't fully matter whether you're looking for casual sex or a relationship, either. Even an ugly, fat guy can fuck hot chicks if he's charming enough, dresses well, and plays his cards right.
Had a bad time with woman this week. One I met just went... downhill on both our parts, and the other just acted like a fucking moron and exploded for no reason at all.

Here's to a new week with less female problems.
So my new lady is likely to meet Psychobitch tonight (which just goes to show how much things between me and Steph have improved). The Juggling Club is having a potluck before we rent a van to Quebec City tomorrow for a juggling convention (yes, sounds gay but it's awesome and I'll take any excuse to go to Quebec City again). So my best friend who is hosting this potluck went over my head and invited Andrea to it. Probably nothing will happen, especially since I'm very careful with regards to PDA. That and Psychobitch will probably show up high off her rocker as she does often. Oh, also, she might have her best friend with her, whom I haven't seen since the breakup. Tonight should be interesting...
zabu of nΩd;10131651 said:
No, i was just socially awkward/inept from birth through college, then too busy to have a life after that. I'm also imo significantly less attractive than all the guys in this thread who actually get girls (except for aug, but of course he doesn't count).

We types all start out socially awkward. I still am to a large degree. So that's non-excuse #1. And forgive the platitudes but so long as you view yourself as unattractive, the more your reality will come to resemble objective reality. You're not a chick and so who are you to judge whether you are good looking? In my honest opinion you look just fine. Just be confident and perseverant.
So while being drunk/high during NYE, i text a girl I used to make out with during uni days, writing random stuff, and she texts back, inviting me over to her place. Didn't actually notice that until next day.

I'll be seeing her during the weekend.
Looks aren't as irrelevant as we like to think they are, but Grant you're not even close to being "write-off ugly" so don't go there boyfraaaaand.
I think I'm pretty good looking and I do occasionally get laid (like last week haha). I'm just pretty insecure and shy, which are the things women eliminate men from their list of fuckables for.
So while being drunk/high during NYE, i text a girl I used to make out with during uni days, writing random stuff, and she texts back, inviting me over to her place. Didn't actually notice that until next day.

I'll be seeing her during the weekend.

What's all of that kind of thing like in Lebanon? Do people get killed for sleeping with someone from the wrong religion much? Are maronites and armenians allowed near muslim chicks?