Males and Females

It's tough, man. Shit is crazy. I just want to find a decent chick who's pretty decent looking who likes me and who won't go jump on some other dude's thingy at the drop of a hat. Dating sucks. There is seriously almost no incentive for guys to be decent people anymore. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

The problem with a big city is that while there are a lot of girls, there's a fuck ton of competition for them, and the better looking guys get to bang a bunch of them at once. I'd be really interested to know what the m/f ratio actually is on dating sites. The incentives are there to lie, lie, lie.

My standards of beauty have shifted plenty too. How much less attractive 25-27-year-olds are than 21-23-year olds is too sad to think about, but I'm not getting any better myself. I'm quite lenient about at least giving someone a chance these days, but it doesn't seem to matter.

And somehow being mid-20s is way better for dating than early-20s. The field is a lot larger, and it starts to almost include girls with daddy issues (85%).
That's why you have to look for women who are in their mid to late 20s. Those are the ones who want to settle, are thinking about getting married and are serious about relationships. You can't have serious relationships with girls who are in their early 20s most of the time. They're still having fun and are not committed to anything serious.
this is how I am. I'm at the least civil with all of my ex girlfriends. I'm on friendly terms with them, but they've all moved away, so there's no hanging out...not that I probably would if they lived near me.

*waiting for Rick to come in*

:lol: Not sure what you want me to say. I'm thinking a multitude of different things based on this situation tbh.

It's tough, man. Shit is crazy. I just want to find a decent chick who's pretty decent looking who likes me and who won't go jump on some other dude's thingy at the drop of a hat. Dating sucks. There is seriously almost no incentive for guys to be decent people anymore. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.

That's why I only seriously date home bodies breh. You might thinking I'm fucking with you, but I'm serious. It's almost an inevitability that if a chick is almost entirely interested in "going out and having a good time" she's a ho and wants to fuck and will probably end up "making a mistake" by putting herself in a vulnerable situation with a bunch of dudes who have nothing else on their brain except slinging dick.

It's one thing to enjoy hanging out with friends, it's another to have one of your main interests in life be going to bars or clubs and getting drunk and acting a fool with your friends. That's one of those every now and then events, not every weekend events.

The interesting thing I found about those who enjoy getting fucked up all the time and end up doing stupid shit is that they're showing their true personality with their actions. You guys ever notice that some of your friends admit or say some crazy shit when they're inebriated? That's because they've been supressing those thoughts for a long time and for whatever reason the substance they're taking relaxes them enough or fills them with enough I don't give a fuck anymore juice that they start spilling the beans. This is how you truly learn people's personalities. That and deep conversations over an extended period of time, which in reality is basically the same thing while they're inebriated except inebriation speeds up the process.

A good example is two weeks ago I went to my buddies birthday party. We all were fairly smashed, I was high and slightly drunk, my other friends were all drunk. For whatever reason, one of my friends started talking to me about Ashley and how at his wedding he couldn't stop staring at her tits because she was wearing this low cut dress. It didn't surprise me at all because everyone in that room was probably guilty of it, Ashley does have some nice, beautiful, large, succulent chesticles that I'd do just about anything in the world to motorboat the shit out of right now. What was I saying?


Oh yeah, um, so my friend for whatever reason just felt that was the right time to divulge all of this information to me. Take into account as well that his wedding was 6 years ago. I wasn't angry or upset about this revelation, I just thought it was curious how people feel the need to store all of these inner thoughts for so long but whenever the time comes that they get in this mental state where they feel complete relaxation given the surroundings and the people they start acting in a manner that truly is who they are.

tl;dr Sluts gonna slut. Find a nice bitch at the library.
In vino veritas.

I'm facing similar issues as Cyth. Granted, I'm younger, so there is far less societal and personal pressure on myself to commit. However, I'm seeing issues with my standards forming that could be bad in the long run. My standards are getting too damn high, but I can't help feeling they're justified. If I want to spend the rest of my life with someone, I can't be spending it with someone who enjoys talking about irrelevant shit I don't care about.

While I think people should change themselves in relationships, I think they should only change the parts of themselves that they would be happier changing. So I wouldn't want to not talk about an interest of mine or have a girl not talk about an interest of hers for the sake of the relationship. This kind of thinking makes it easy for me to slap a "nope" label on a girl I get along well with if she has some interests I don't.

Anyone have this issue, and/or have gotten past it?
As an academic moving into the graduate level, I can never be sure, and shouldn't be sure, of any relationship potentially going all the way to marriage or even becoming committed and longterm. I'll still form them, and because of my professional situation that state of mind is a good one to maintain. Gotta live in the moment, ya know.
Word to what King Richard said. That's why I picked porkpal. We're both equally terrible people with bad track records - we'll either float away into the heavens or sink to the bottom of the shit sea.
That's why I only seriously date home bodies breh. You might thinking I'm fucking with you, but I'm serious. It's almost an inevitability that if a chick is almost entirely interested in "going out and having a good time" she's a ho and wants to fuck and will probably end up "making a mistake" by putting herself in a vulnerable situation with a bunch of dudes who have nothing else on their brain except slinging dick.


The problem I run into here is one of two statements.

1) From women: "You sound like you want to date some suppressed girl who will stay home with you all the time." The argument somehow ends up bordering on feminism and how I want a woman to cook and clean for me, even though I never even so much as hinted at anything of the sort. I'm a "boring" homebody myself and would prefer to spend my time with someone equally "boring". Being the "dominant male" doesn't factor into it in the least.

2) From men: "Nah, man, you need a woman who will get you out there to party. Get you out of your shell, etc. etc." Well, firstly, what shell are you talking about? I don't particularly enjoy "going out" to party with people I don't know and don't give a fuck about. I'll gladly go to a friend's house with a small group and get absolutely shit faced. And secondly, why the fuck would I *want* to go out and party if I've got a nice girl at home?

Yes, I have been told I'm something of an old man.
:lol: Not sure what you want me to say. I'm thinking a multitude of different things based on this situation tbh.

That's why I only seriously date home bodies breh. You might thinking I'm fucking with you, but I'm serious. It's almost an inevitability that if a chick is almost entirely interested in "going out and having a good time" she's a ho and wants to fuck and will probably end up "making a mistake" by putting herself in a vulnerable situation with a bunch of dudes who have nothing else on their brain except slinging dick.

It's one thing to enjoy hanging out with friends, it's another to have one of your main interests in life be going to bars or clubs and getting drunk and acting a fool with your friends. That's one of those every now and then events, not every weekend events.

The interesting thing I found about those who enjoy getting fucked up all the time and end up doing stupid shit is that they're showing their true personality with their actions. You guys ever notice that some of your friends admit or say some crazy shit when they're inebriated? That's because they've been supressing those thoughts for a long time and for whatever reason the substance they're taking relaxes them enough or fills them with enough I don't give a fuck anymore juice that they start spilling the beans. This is how you truly learn people's personalities. That and deep conversations over an extended period of time, which in reality is basically the same thing while they're inebriated except inebriation speeds up the process.

A good example is two weeks ago I went to my buddies birthday party. We all were fairly smashed, I was high and slightly drunk, my other friends were all drunk. For whatever reason, one of my friends started talking to me about Ashley and how at his wedding he couldn't stop staring at her tits because she was wearing this low cut dress. It didn't surprise me at all because everyone in that room was probably guilty of it, Ashley does have some nice, beautiful, large, succulent chesticles that I'd do just about anything in the world to motorboat the shit out of right now. What was I saying?


Oh yeah, um, so my friend for whatever reason just felt that was the right time to divulge all of this information to me. Take into account as well that his wedding was 6 years ago. I wasn't angry or upset about this revelation, I just thought it was curious how people feel the need to store all of these inner thoughts for so long but whenever the time comes that they get in this mental state where they feel complete relaxation given the surroundings and the people they start acting in a manner that truly is who they are.

tl;dr Sluts gonna slut. Find a nice bitch at the library.

Agreed. Probably the most spot on thing Rick contributed thus far. My woman is a homebody and doesn't like to go out to party ever and I'm past that phase too although once in a while it's nice as something different to do.
I am on a serious cold streak on OkCupid. That gets fucking frustrating, especially when I am putting some thought into these drunken messages. I am following my own advice, which is to be sure to get drunk enough to not care in the morning about it, but not too drunk to be embarrassed by the content. Still. Striking out on about a dozen in a row is pretty demoralizing. It's like the stench of failure clings to the words even. When it's going good I can get replies about half the time.

The "New Friends" and "Long-Distance Penpals" options are the biggest fucking lie on the planet. I am pretty sure no woman who isn't overweight has made a long-distance penpal, and "new friends" is either someone who's just dicking around or not willing to say they only want to fuck hot guys.

Time to drink some more.

I have no luck on OkC, most of the men that contact me on there start the sentence of with "Ey mami u real fine" or "hey boo where you stay at"... shit like that, I cannot stand it.
I have only found 1 guy on there who was into metal, or so I thought.
Long story short I'm over that website. I tried BUT I do not recommend it because you are not able to delete your account.

That's why you have to look for women who are in their mid to late 20s. Those are the ones who want to settle, are thinking about getting married and are serious about relationships. You can't have serious relationships with girls who are in their early 20s most of the time. They're still having fun and are not committed to anything serious.

I don't know if age has anything to do with it. Im in my mid 20s and I feel like I never want to get married, & I have a lot of younger friends who are looking to get married.
I have to agree with King Richard ... on everything he posted.

On a side note, dating in L.A sucks ass. I have pretty much given up on it. I just want to find a really stable fuck buddy and leave it at that. It seems like the guys I have been attracting lately are either extremely needy or complete douche bags.
Marriage is overrated imo. In this day and age, people are going to come across more different people than ever in history. It makes no sense to me why someone would make a lifelong commitment to someone when they could meet someone better in their lifetime.
Not even better, just different. People grow up and grow apart.
I think marriage is great in some relationships, but it isn't always the smartest choice.
It (imo) adds pressure on people to stay together when they really don't want to be.
I don't know if age has anything to do with it. Im in my mid 20s and I feel like I never want to get married, & I have a lot of younger friends who are looking to get married.
I have to agree with King Richard ... on everything he posted.

Your friends look like they are more mature for their age. They think more maturely, no offense though. I like girls like that.
The problem I run into here is one of two statements.

1) From women: "You sound like you want to date some suppressed girl who will stay home with you all the time." The argument somehow ends up bordering on feminism and how I want a woman to cook and clean for me, even though I never even so much as hinted at anything of the sort. I'm a "boring" homebody myself and would prefer to spend my time with someone equally "boring". Being the "dominant male" doesn't factor into it in the least.

2) From men: "Nah, man, you need a woman who will get you out there to party. Get you out of your shell, etc. etc." Well, firstly, what shell are you talking about? I don't particularly enjoy "going out" to party with people I don't know and don't give a fuck about. I'll gladly go to a friend's house with a small group and get absolutely shit faced. And secondly, why the fuck would I *want* to go out and party if I've got a nice girl at home?

Yes, I have been told I'm something of an old man.

Haha, those arguments are real stupid. Suppression and male dominance doesn't even play into it - not even a little. And who the fuck over the age of 17 would put pressure on a friend to go out and party? Do we still measure coolness based on how many stomach-pump hospital visits we've had? None of that makes you an old man - it just means you probably are doing better financially than all the floozies and broskis who drop $200 a week at bars. But since homebodies stay at home, you've got a handicap going against you re: meeting a nice homebody girl. Maybe you should become a burglar.
Marriage is overrated imo. In this day and age, people are going to come across more different people than ever in history. It makes no sense to me why someone would make a lifelong commitment to someone when they could meet someone better in their lifetime.

If you make a commitment to someone when you think there might be someone better out there: You're doing it wrong.

Of course, there's always gonna be better looking people out there no matter who you pick, IE, the old joke about 18 year olds.

Marraige isn't about that.