Males and Females

@zabu of nod
do not take their advice, if you are not ultra-handsome then you will never get laid, not with pretty girls anyway. i'm gonna laugh off your jab at me (lol) and offer you some friendly advice: work hard on your career, get a decent job and just buy whores. then you can get laid on YOUR terms, WHEN you want and with as beautiful a woman as you can afford.

and just sayin, i consider myself fairly decent-looking as far as asians go, in fact many girls of my own race and other asians have had the hots for me, it's just that i have ultra-high standards when it comes to the women i fuck, and i can never attain those ones with just "charm" and neither can you

Once again. :lol:

I appreciate the advice, but frankly I'm pretty sure that the opportunity to pay beautiful women for sex is not going to motivate me to work hard on my career and secure a higher paying job. For one, I have goals for my life that go beyond serving myself, so my career will probably be more defined by what fits my values than by what pays me the most. For another, I simply do not have the motivation to jump through society's ridiculous hoops five days a week, year after year. I am far more likely to save and invest my earnings in order to fund a long break from work than I am to spend 1-2 weeks worth of them for each night with a hooker.

I am curious though, if you're willing to share: how much do you normally spend per session and/or year on hookers?
I actually wonder sometimes what traumatic event of rejection and self-esteem destroying occurrence has caused aug to turn to whores as a replacement of a woman that has sex willingly with you because they like you, not because you pay them...

I haven't focused on getting laid as much as I did before because I've been concentrating on my career and getting my life ready to ease into its new phase. I'm sure that will change soon once I'm settled in.
I met this forever alone girl online, and I wouldn't date her, but these "what if?" thoughts pop into my head now and then. I need to find a way to make them stop.
when you are born socially awkward like us, you cannot just flip a switch and suddenly become incredibly charming; you have to be naturally predisposed to that or it will be fake and you will fail miserably.

I do not have a lot of expirience with woman, but can't recall any good expiriences with women. If I had the money would not be out paying for whores,etc... I don't know.
ah you have values, well good luck with that, man. we are the same age and i can only imagine your pain. actually it is quite feasible to get laid with mediocre looks and mediocre social skills, just dont expect to score an extremely attractive specimen.

I feel more pain from my job than from not getting laid tbh. The ratio of that might change whenever i decide to go on this "2-3 year holiday" i'm planning, but i definitely feel that i will get more happiness that way than by spending it on sex.

yes you may see some butt-ugly dudes with hot women sometimes, but they are an exception. they are most probably incredibly charming and when you are born socially awkward like us, you cannot just flip a switch and suddenly become incredibly charming; you have to be naturally predisposed to that or it will be fake and you will fail miserably.

I agree. Guys with good social skills have a tendency to underestimate the effort it takes guys without good social skills to "put on a good face" for chicks.

anyways i spend about 200 bucks a session, maybe 400 if it's a special session, and i usually have 3 sessions in a month. not too insane spending tbh.

Well i guess that's a range of $600-$1200 per month. My monthly rent, utilities included, is at the bottom of that range. Also i get paid about $3500-$4000 per month after taxes.
ah you have values, well good luck with that, man. we are the same age and i can only imagine your pain. actually it is quite feasible to get laid with mediocre looks and mediocre social skills, just dont expect to score an extremely attractive specimen.

yes you may see some butt-ugly dudes with hot women sometimes, but they are an exception. they are most probably incredibly charming and when you are born socially awkward like us, you cannot just flip a switch and suddenly become incredibly charming; you have to be naturally predisposed to that or it will be fake and you will fail miserably.

anyways i spend about 200 bucks a session, maybe 400 if it's a special session, and i usually have 3 sessions in a month. not too insane spending tbh.

ah you know, just the usual string of multiple high school and college rejections, nothing extraordinary or earth-shattering. but what differentiates me was i had the will to transcend my failures and achieve the sweetest victory by eventually fucking women who completely shit on my rejectors.

yes whores fuck for the money but they soon realize (the ones whom i "choose" in particular) that i really am a nice guy and genuinely reciprocate my affectionate actions towards them. this is not just wishful thinking, i can truly sense it, like with the hungarian girl ive been posting about.

on the other hand, if you are not incredibly handsome or charming or both, ultra-hot women who are not whores will never even give you the chance to show them you are a nice person, much less fuck you. or you'd just get friendzoned at best.

It really depends on where you want to be at in life, understanding your own capabilities and setting your own standards. I've been with some absolutely drop dead gorgeous super model material women, some slightly above average and some average looking ones, and I've never paid for sex. I don't consider myself the best looking of men but I can talk my way through a cardboard box if the situation calls for it. And I still get approach anxiety sometimes! I know guys who are good looking and they've got girls who actually come up to them and pull them away and/or try to have a conversation with them but they've got zero personality or social capabilities and they're still virgins at my age.

I choose not to pay for prostitutes, mainly because of my own morals and principles. I may still have a slightly old-fashioned way of thinking, but I think selling yourself as a whore is still a little low. Yes, they are still people. And yes they can do anything they want... but I don't really want a part in it. Those reciprocated "feelings" you feel, it's part of her job. She's supposed to make you feel special, just like how she treats ALL her customers. Just like it's a bartender's job to show off or flirt for tips.

I have to admit though, that girl you've posted before is absolutely stunning. It's a pity that she's a prostitute.

You can't flick on a switch that immediately turns off your social awkwardness. But what you can do is train yourself to have less inhibition (without the use of alcohol). Do what Derek has done. You don't know until you try... and besides the more you do it, the better you get at it. Also, you'll widen your circle of friends. It's not only about getting laid all the time.
To each his own. I think finding emotional value in sex that one paid for is kind of sad, but obviously aug doesn't think so. So I don't feel bad for him at all. I personally wouldn't want to do anything similar to what he does, but we have our own paths and we'll see who's more satisfied in the end. Plus, I'm probably the youngest person on this forum and my experience is pretty thin on these matters.

On a side note: Having friends that are two or three years younger than me kinda sucks sometimes. They tell me about these feelings they get for people, and I feel like a robot in comparison. They describe all this shit about how awesome people make them feel, and I've never gone through anything similar. The feelings I've had for girls in the past weren't real. I was just convincing myself that these girls were great for me because I was desperate for companionship. Now that I'm fine with being alone (despite its cons), I find myself frustrated that I've never had any real feelings for a female. It seems awesome, and like something I want to experience, but I already have barriers with trust and I have absolutely no idea how to make myself emotionally vulnerable with people.
On a side note: Having friends that are two or three years younger than me kinda sucks sometimes. They tell me about these feelings they get for people, and I feel like a robot in comparison. They describe all this shit about how awesome people make them feel, and I've never gone through anything similar. The feelings I've had for girls in the past weren't real. I was just convincing myself that these girls were great for me because I was desperate for companionship. Now that I'm fine with being alone (despite its cons), I find myself frustrated that I've never had any real feelings for a female. It seems awesome, and like something I want to experience, but I already have barriers with trust and I have absolutely no idea how to make myself emotionally vulnerable with people.

I wouldn't worry about it. The feelings most people get are fleeting and shortlived infatuation. Hardly anything to be jealous about. Finding someone you can trust to be your "other half" is so much better.
I agree. I think most of the reason relationships don't work out for younger people is because they fabricate themselves to impress the other person and then eventually become comfortable enough to drop the fabrication, and then they realize they don't like the non-fabricated person. Fuck that shit, I don't want any part of it.

Still, the infatuation is a lot more appealing to me than sitting in the dark alone browsing the internet for hours on end.