Males and Females

I came to the conclusion that the wrong thing about what Aug does is has no idea what it's like to try, but the person understands money and what it does so has somewhat grasp on one of the things that is required. Aug could try with a woman and spend 3,4 hundred dollars on a ring, but it's easier to just pay for a whore. Aug can take the easy way out and does. It's easier being alone. So I am alone. If I had the money factor who knows. I could end up using it like aug does to simply make life easier. People use money all the time. In the end how different can using money be.
Yeah, dude, I still think that whole "you're better than the other clients" is probably an act.
I dunno, just the way I've always thought. For me, I think half the challenge of getting laid is the chase. Rejection becomes a norm.

Even more so, the challenge and the chase grow to be more appealing than the end product, in my eyes at least. It's discovering a new person (physically, mentally, emotionally) that's exciting and deeply fulfilling for me; the sex itself isn't really the entire package.

Also for those of you lamenting social awkwardness, I've found that alcohol is far from the best drug for improving and encouraging social interaction. Maybe try something else to help ya get started?
Even more so, the challenge and the chase grow to be more appealing than the end product, in my eyes at least. It's discovering a new person (physically, mentally, emotionally) that's exciting and deeply fulfilling for me; the sex itself isn't really the entire package.

Also for those of you lamenting social awkwardness, I've found that alcohol is far from the best drug for improving and encouraging social interaction. Maybe try something else to help ya get started?

Well in moderation. Ive seen one too many guys get wasted then make a total ass of themselves. And then puke on something expensive/female... But just a little can help alot I find.
Hey diddle ho. I'm not getting laid right now but I have three girls who I can ring up and get with.
I really want to distance myself from people who say unpleasant things about White Australian women as a miserable excuse for gang raping them, in fact I would shoot those people if I could get away with it, but I think men in Australia kind of benefit from women being really forward. It's even more the case in New Zealand. When I went there I got hit on every day.

What the fucking hell are you on about?

Hey diddle ho. I'm not getting laid right now but I have three girls who I can ring up and get with.

Well I'm certainly impressed.
Social skills are overrated. You just have to have the cojones to start a discussion, and from there, it's a trial and error process. Hardest part of it all is actually walking up to a girl and initiating a discussion. Now, I'm not exactly in a position to give lectures about this subject, since I've had my fair share of awkward moments myself, but for all you social awkward penguins out there, consider the following : maybe she wants to speak to you as well, but like you, is not doing it.
*man walks up to brothel counter*

"I wanna buy a heap o' sluts. How much will that cost me?"

desk clerk: "Well we sell them in heaps, barrels and palettes -- the more you buy, the less per slut."