Males and Females

I havent talked to her yet, okay?

So back to plans: what do i say/do if she says no to the date? Could i just ask her to hang out and talk at that point, or...?
Ok, well first off, she isn't going to say no. Only pussies take no for an answer. If she is unsure, convince her you'll have a great time. If she flat out says, "No I don't want to", call her a cunt and tell her to choke on a dick. Hang up the phone hastily, call her back and say, "Ya, sorry about that, someone cut me off in traffic. So how about that date? Come on, you'll have a great time." If she says no again, start screaming in the phone, maybe throw an I love you in there, and try again. Eventually she'll cave. :cool:
Don't forget to wish her a Happy Chinese New Year tomorrow.

Went almost a week without boning porkpal because he was sick etc, today he Peter Northed like four times in half an hour. Cool!
Peter Northed...."blew" in the face.....

Quick female interjection here-

Girls are not as difficult as you think...we understand that asking a girl out is really tough and stressful for a guy, and if she's really not interested, she'll totally commend you for having the balls to try, and she might even accept for that reason. Unless she's a heartless bitch, she's not going to completely shut you down.

One of the most important things is to just not be awkward about it...confidence is sexy!! If a guy phoned me and was like hi, I'd like to ask you out on a date...I'd be thinking uh.... ok? Just approach it super mellow- be like, I think it would sweet if you and I checked out a movie this weekend...put her at ease!! And girls aren't retarded- you don't even have to mention the word date...if you ask her to hang out, one on one, she'd be dumb if she didn't realize it was a date type situation.

Point is guys...what's the worst that's gonna happen if you ask a girl out? She says no. Big fucking deal. Yeah, it doesn't feel good when it happens, but at least you tried! And who wants to be with someone who doesn't like them back? So just be confident and treat her well...this shit ain't rocket science haha most girls are dumb enough to fall under the spell of any guy who is nice and in control!

Humor always helps too!! Totally breaks the ice.

Anyways, sorry if I interrupted this little guy session lol, just thought I'd throw in my two cents. Good luck asking her out dude:)

**And if she says no, play it totally cool. Just be like okay cool, well have a good weekend. Girls will expect for the guy to become totally upset and it'll make them feel better about themselves because that would mean that they are breaking a heart which in a girl's mind means they're hot shit- don't let that happen...don't let her see how upset you'll leave her wondering...and she may just change her mind, because every girl wants to be wanted. Solid fact.
Ugh, I think I need to get rid of my phone.

After Ashley raped me in scrabble she kept texting me and I got tired of texting so I just called her. We caught up on life and whatnot, I haven't actually talked to her using my voice or about anything of substance since August of last year, so it was a pretty long conversation. Apparently her mom kept "accidently" walking in on her while she was on the phone with me which was basically her way of being nosey and hinting she wanted to talk to me as well. Well, I talked to her afterward which was fine, I like talking to Ashley's mom because she's a cool milf. We bullshitted about stuff and inevitably she brought up Ashley and I's relationship. She told me she's holding out hope for us to get back together soon and all that jazz. The most interesting part about the conversation was her telling me, "Ya I hope she comes around to realizing she's making a mistake, but in the meantime, you're still young so you should go out and have fun, just don't get serious with them." Meaning, it's cool if you go fuck broads because it's not your fault that Ashley is silly for breaking up with you. I told her that I understand what she's saying but I still get weird feelings of guilt anytime I think about hitting on another chick or consider dating another chick (reality is I've been on a few dates which is why I had those feelings and decided not to do it anymore). So we talked a little more about it and she was basically telling me to unleash the fury and not feel bad.

March 10th will be one year since we broke up. I have a feeling I know what the majority answer for this question will be but I'll ask anyway. Do you guys think I should unleash the fury on the many, many many, manymanaynayna,nyanymnaymnmany smoking hot broads I see every other day at school, without guilt anymore? Or should I continue to follow how I'm currently feeling and just concentrate on something else?
Quick female interjection here-

Girls are not as difficult as you think...we understand that asking a girl out is really tough and stressful for a guy, and if she's really not interested, she'll totally commend you for having the balls to try, and she might even accept for that reason. Unless she's a heartless bitch, she's not going to completely shut you down.

One of the most important things is to just not be awkward about it...confidence is sexy!! If a guy phoned me and was like hi, I'd like to ask you out on a date...I'd be thinking uh.... ok? Just approach it super mellow- be like, I think it would sweet if you and I checked out a movie this weekend...put her at ease!! And girls aren't retarded- you don't even have to mention the word date...if you ask her to hang out, one on one, she'd be dumb if she didn't realize it was a date type situation.

Point is guys...what's the worst that's gonna happen if you ask a girl out? She says no. Big fucking deal. Yeah, it doesn't feel good when it happens, but at least you tried! And who wants to be with someone who doesn't like them back? So just be confident and treat her well...this shit ain't rocket science haha most girls are dumb enough to fall under the spell of any guy who is nice and in control!

Humor always helps too!! Totally breaks the ice.

Anyways, sorry if I interrupted this little guy session lol, just thought I'd throw in my two cents. Good luck asking her out dude:)

**And if she says no, play it totally cool. Just be like okay cool, well have a good weekend. Girls will expect for the guy to become totally upset and it'll make them feel better about themselves because that would mean that they are breaking a heart which in a girl's mind means they're hot shit- don't let that happen...don't let her see how upset you'll leave her wondering...and she may just change her mind, because every girl wants to be wanted. Solid fact.

Thank you for echoing what I've been saying for years.