Males and Females

I got it! Fuck the condoms and have your gf take the pill or just fuck the pill and fuck her and pull out before organism.

Then of course there's always....abortion >_>

Xorv, it's either pull out before orgasm or pull out the organism. Not the other way around.

Hahaha. Yeah PhlegethonVeins is right, I'd rather take my chances with abortions and morning after pills than compromise my libido and gain a bunch of weight and feel like shit all the time. It's not worth it to me.

Most dudes I know hate condoms, it's like fucking a plastic bag.
My girlfriend is on birth control but she insists I wear a condom. I don't argue against it because I've never had much problem with the things. Sure it doesn't feel quite as good but it helps me last longer.
I put something retarded on my OKC profile when I was baked yesterday and I got two emails that people rated me 4/5 stars or something. Weird.

Edit: Here it is:

I'm really good at said:
throwing eggs high in the air and catching them on my foot without breaking them like a fucking shaolin monk.
Yeah, I've lost interest with that girl I met up with from OKC. I'll still text her and keep her as a friend, but I don't care enough to try and have a relationship with someone who lives so far away. Meh. Whatever.
^Why don't you just go to a bar (or bar hoping) alone or not and just meet women in that medium? Why bother with someone so far away unless it's a one night stand.