Males and Females

Gotta love being an academic. I'll be hanging around universities for the rest of my life.

Speaking of which, it was over 80 degrees here yesterday. So many pretty girls in pretty dresses strolling about the campus. It was a delight.

Yeah, I'm planning on getting my Masters and my Doctorate, so I'll be in college for the rest of my life Asher Roth style.
Gotta love being an academic. I'll be hanging around universities for the rest of my life.

Yeah, I'm planning on getting my Masters and my Doctorate, so I'll be in college for the rest of my life Asher Roth style.

Now hold on just a second, guys. As i understand it (correct me if i'm wrong here jeremy), neither of you has been through grad school yet, or held a full-time professional job before. Grad school tends to be a very busy time for people, and that alone is going to limit your opportunities immensely. Not to mention that if you have any hope in your field you'll probably end up with some kind of research job with your department, which is basically like having two jobs at once.

If you teach classes, then hooking up with one of your students is probably off limits unless you want to take a giant stupid risk to your career. Plus, by the time you finish your studies and settle into a professorship you'll be almost middle-aged and few college age chicks will want anything to do with you.

Let's not forget also that (1) university budgets are massively inflated right now by bullshit student loans, (2) those *will* dry up one day, and (3) when they do, liberal arts departments are probably going to take the brunt of the fallout. So your chances of actually having a professorship by the time you get out may be much lower than you think they are.

So with all that said, i'd really like to hear these points addressed before a dude with significant girl experience gives a complete noob an excuse to neglect his seduction skills to his potentially abysmal detriment. :)
zabu of nΩd;10227867 said:
Let's not forget also that (1) university budgets are massively inflated right now by bullshit student loans, (2) those *will* dry up one day, and (3) when they do, liberal arts departments are probably going to take the brunt of the fallout. So your chances of actually having a professorship by the time you get out may be much lower than you think they are.

zabu with an economic reality smackdown!
He's spot on.

I could see his optimism if he was in engineering or any of the hard sciences, but that's not the case. Liberal arts and humanities departments are the first to get their budgets cut because the money they generate in terms of grants, donations, endowments, etc., is fucking peanuts compared to other faculties. If you actually have a full time sessional-based employment teaching in the field you actually studied in by the time you're done - let alone a professorship - consider yourself incredibly fortunate.

As for the actual graduate school process and social life, it's wishful thinking that you'll have ample time to get to know people. I did my M. Eng at CMU in two years and I think I went on two dates the entire time I was there. There wasn't the time to pursue anything. I probably spent more time sleeping at school than I did at my apartment. Then again, they're in the humanities so who the fuck knows?
Valid points, gentlemen. I've only ever dated girls who went to UMaine. Not used to finding them elsewhere. I guess I just find college students more attractive than those that aren't at that age (which is a stupid way to think I know).
I've pretty much come to terms with the notion that I'm going to be living with my parents for a long ass fucking time or just being a homeless bum drinking 40oz in a cardboard box.

Although given my current level of enthusiasm, I may get my Teachers Certificate as I get my Masters and just be a badass high school teacher who drinks during class and touches underage girls. Sounds amazing. Not that the high school level is any better than college job-wise.
Yeah, I don't expect to find a job in my career field anytime soon. I definitely am not ready at my current stage and the thought of me teaching while I get my Masters is pretty scary on it's own.
zabu of nΩd;10227000 said:
Literally the single biggest regret of my life so far is not having worked on my social skills / game more while i was still in school. Just hoping you don't end up the same way bro.

Well, i'm still in university and suffering from the same issue. It's because i was raised like that. I regret that i wasn't more outgoing when i was younger. Because my parents were kind of strict with issues involving hanging out and partying with friends.
Note to self: Never attend graduate school. Make a ton of money/awesome experiences with my undergraduate engineering degree. Fuck bitches. Win.

Yeah dude. I am pretty satisfied with the "go to work and play while not working" life model. Even now, with a mediocre salary and a cheap apartment, I'm kicking ass.

Condoms suck and hormonal BC sucks. I'd honestly rather just deal with abortions and morning after pills if it comes to that. Fuck being responsible for my decisions!
Well, i'm still in university and suffering from the same issue. It's because i was raised like that. I regret that i wasn't more outgoing when i was younger. Because my parents were kind of strict with issues involving hanging out and partying with friends.
That sucks, but it doesn't mean you can't work on your social skills now. It may be hard work for a while (it sure is for me), but i find the alternative of a lifetime of loneliness and depression pretty motivational, haha.
I thought you were a guy. Aren't you supposed to be the one applying pressure?

har, I more so meant just the strain it can apply on a new relationship.

Nah, Mort doesn't want to worry about getting an abortion :D

Nah, I just don't have to have to worry about whether or not the girl would get one or if I'd have to perform one myself.