Males and Females

I kind of want to post a pic of the girl, cos she's totally hot, but it's a bit rude. Anyway, imagine someone somewhere in between alina and Sophie Marceau (it's not the girl I said looked like her though, it's another one).
Elaborate on these "subtle hints." Just because women are friendly and want you to feel welcome doesn't mean they're interested.

also hetero women feel the need to have male friends whith whom they're never going to look at in a sexual way

a couple of years ago i asked out a girl because i was totally convinced she'd say yes
she busted out laughing because she thought (and still does to this day) that i had made a joke
she still hangs out with me and still to this day randomly says "hey, remember that time you asked me out? that was hillarious"
OMG I CANNOT UNSEE THE SPLIT ENDS. bitch went from a 10 to a -10 immediately, would not even touch

Is this sarcastic? ahahahahaha

Yeah Grant idk about that, don't be so sure unless she finds reasons to touch you a lot.

PP is so great, SO GREAT, I am starting to think we should start videotaping our copulation.
Yeah, Grant, you probably don't want that kind of complication. And neither does she. She probably just thinks you're a cool dude and fun to talk with, and wants to be friends.
Just keep doing what you're doing. If she actually wants to fuck you, she'll make it clear.
Guys, wtf, she is obviously planning to have 10 children with Grant if she shook his hand.
zabu of nΩd;10270896 said:
Ok now that i'm sober again, let's see... she's gone out of her way to touch me once iirc, it was while telling a story about a passed out drunk person, and she shook my arm to illustrate part of the story.

Other than that, it's just stuff that mainly indicates she enjoys my company. A few times if i left the room she was in to go eat or hop on my laptop or whatever, she'd usually come find me and start chatting again. At one point while i was in my room on my laptop, she came by to tell me she was going down the road for a chore. Also she laughs at my jokes a lot more than i expect her to.

I mean, the fact that i'm (1) her tenant, (2) way younger than her, and (3) clearly inexperienced with women is ample reason for her to not be in a hurry to get too familiar with me, so it's hard to gauge whether she's just being friendly or if she hasn't actually made up her mind about me yet.

I'm sorry man but none of those things make it sound like she wants you. Maybe she does but I wouldn't take any of those as 'hints'.
Yeah don't fuck your landlord bro. Austin has 234729347239478239423 cute girls everywhere.

My ex who said at one point that I wasn't pretty enough for him is hitting me up. HAHA SUCK IT
I hung out with a female coworker last night and things got out of hand in that we were pretty baked and told each other personal stuff. It was pretty unexpected, and rather interesting. I'm not sure I'll even bring it up again, though.