Males and Females



Women who are half white and half East Asian tend to be hot, from what I've seen.

I'm living in an area where nearly all the girls are Pakistani, so it's a bit gay as far as dating goes. *Weeps*
For some reason I hate christians more actively than muslims, maybe because hating muslims is such a given that it bores me to waste my mental capacity even during free time. I obviously fucking hate them a lot, you bet, I hate them as fuck, but still. There's something about christians that bugs me enough to hate them a LITTLE BIT more. I fucking hate both a lot though, come on.
Christians don't even enter my life in any notable way. There's some segregated (lol) Christian societies at the university and the white one has some pretty girls in it, who wouldn't date me because I'm not socially conservative or snobby enough. Blergh.