Males and Females

Hate is a strong word but I feel disdain for zealots of all faiths equally. Hasidic Jews, evangelical American Christians, Muslims whose women cover their entire faces, I don't trust any of them because I assume they are all ass backwards and probably hate my values (sex drugs and nudity)
I can't claim to know what's going on in the minds of the Muslim world, but my best guess is they're just bitter that the Caliphate's long gone and the West has accomplished far more in two hundred years than the Islamic world accomplished in five hundred. Also, the Koran does say that Muslims will rule the earth, along with the call to kill every unbeliever until every last person is a Muslim.

But the Koran's pretty contradictory. It says not to feel bad for unbelievers because it's just their "problem" and doesn't affect anyone else. Then again, I can't claim to interpret it correctly because I read it in English.

Regardless, I kind of wish the Mamluks lost Ain Jalut. Then maybe all that crap in the Middle East wouldn't be going on right now.
For some reason I hate christians more actively than muslims, maybe because hating muslims is such a given that it bores me to waste my mental capacity even during free time. I obviously fucking hate them a lot, you bet, I hate them as fuck, but still. There's something about christians that bugs me enough to hate them a LITTLE BIT more. I fucking hate both a lot though, come on.

Me too. I despise all religious people, but something about Christians just makes me want to fucking puke :bah:
Why would you despise religious people? It's not like they sit down and think "today, I'll choose to believe shit made up by ignorant ancient people and create an emotional investment in it that will block any rational thoughts that conflict with it."
most religious people i know are genuinely nice and don't push their beliefs too much. they serve food when there's a gathering at their place and pray before eating and i don't mind that. they even drink beer, wine and stuff. don't hate, lol
Why would you despise religious people? It's not like they sit down and think "today, I'll choose to believe shit made up by ignorant ancient people and create an emotional investment in it that will block any rational thoughts that conflict with it."

Hate is a strong word but I feel disdain for zealots of all faiths equally. Hasidic Jews, evangelical American Christians, Muslims whose women cover their entire faces, I don't trust any of them because I assume they are all ass backwards and probably hate my values (sex drugs and nudity)

I'm with you on this. I have several christian friends and one that calls herself a muslim (though I question her faith). I've met reformed jews, and they're nice people for the most part. Religious fundamentalism infuriates me, and I've had to write off a few people in my life because they fell off the deep end with their beliefs.
I don't hate people who are religious, I just think it's kind of crazy to believe the things they believe. But the main point in regards to this thread is that I would never be with a religious woman; among other reasons because most of them would never have an abortion and I have no interest in being a baby-daddy.
Being back in the Bible belt, I see chicks walking around with church/Jesus shirts on all the time. Other than that, I can't detect any legitimate difference between them and the chicks without such shirts (generally speaking). Religion has become a cultural/fashion accessory in the US.
Being back in the Bible belt, I see chicks walking around with church/Jesus shirts on all the time. Other than that, I can't detect any legitimate difference between them and the chicks without such shirts (generally speaking). Religion has become a cultural/fashion accessory in the US.

i've seen women like this

they'll give blowjobs and do anal with random guys off the street, but they won't do penis-in-vagina sex because they're "saving themselves for marriage"

it's pretty funny
Urgh, does anyone else hate the way that men don't give a damn about women who aren't from their "tribe" be that an ethnicity or Religion and view sexual abuse of those women as a sport? The whole thing makes you get pissed off with white women as well because they have it all, they get idolized and worshipped by the media, they get all the funds available spent to go save their lilly asses if they go missing or get captured or something and if any white man objected to them getting with someone from another tribe that man who be deemed racist and ostracised by society, while the woman would be seen as modern and edgy or something. Everyone else has a continent of bitches that they have to themselves.
Urgh, does anyone else hate the way that men don't give a damn about women who aren't from their "tribe" be that an ethnicity or Religion and view sexual abuse of those women as a sport? The whole thing makes you get pissed off with white women as well because they have it all, they get idolized and worshipped by the media, they get all the funds available spent to go save their lilly asses if they go missing or get captured or something and if any white man objected to them getting with someone from another tribe that man who be deemed racist and ostracised by society, while the woman would be seen as modern and edgy or something. Everyone else has a continent of bitches that they have to themselves.

i understand what you're saying
i see these slutty-as-hell blue-eyed-blonde women that refuse to have sex with white guys, it's annoying, it's totally fine when she has sex with a dozen different black guys in a single month, but when a white guy tries to get with her, she shoots him down, saying "white guys don't turn me on" and if the guy wants to bitch about her not her not sleeping with white guys, all her friends call him a "white supremacist"