i know i've been whining about my relationship a lot on here lately...but that's what this thread is for am i right?
so my girl has cheated on me once...i was in jail and she hooked up with an ex. she admitted it when i got out. she hasn't seen him since but every time i look at her phone, just a glance or whatever, she's constantly texting him, talking to him. i can't help but get mad. she continues to do it and is so fucking stupid she doesn't see the problem. i'm trying as hard as i can to not be a jealous prick, but come on?! the one person you've ever cheated on me with is the one person i don't want you to talk to. i don't care what else she does.
what do i say to her? getting mad does nothing but get her mad. she says "it doesnt mean anything blah blah blah" but i know it does. he hits on her and says a bunch of stupid shit to her and no matter what i say she continues to talk to him, but that's it. i'm not going to break up with her over it but it's the one thing i wish she would fucking stop. what do i say. what do i do.