Males and Females

"Constantly texting"?

Why oh why is there so much fail in this thread.

When it comes to relationships, people either get who they deserve, or who they think they deserve.
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in relationships. She should respect the fact that you are bothered by her talking to her ex so frequently or you need to end it. It doesn't matter if she says "it doesn't mean anything."
I agree with all of you but we've been through too much for me to "kick her ass to the curb". She has done so much for me and clearly cares about me. She's just being a sneaky bitch. I just want to know what an effective thing to say to her would be. Flipping out doesn't work. obviously
alright well i just sprouted a dick and told her i wasn't going to deal with it any more period. problem solved.

edit-I don't know why that was so hard.
This is a common trend I have observed over numerous boards where people go looking for "relationship help", and it's getting old. No offense to Astrum , but he is the most recent example of this trend.

Guy/girl comes into thread, complains about minor relationship issues, and after much discussion amongst the thread regulars, seems to have the minor issue resolved.

A short while later there's a followup that goes something like this:

"Well guys, thanks for the help. There's just one little teensy eensy minor issue that keeps bugging me. My SO just happens to randomly like going into dark alleys for gangbangs. Now they say it doesn't affect our relationship and I'm the only important one in their life but etc etc etc.

Clearly the source of other problems and obviously something the people offering advice would need to be aware of to offer the correct responses.
alright well i just sprouted a dick and told her i wasn't going to deal with it any more period. problem solved.

edit-I don't know why that was so hard.

:lol: Something tells me it's not over just like that.

What I would do if I were you is say I'm going to check your phone randomly and see if you've been in contact with the guy. She'll either refuse because she knows she won't stop and turn it around on you and want to break up with you, or she'll start stressing out so bad that she might get caught that she'll quit or break up, or she'll let you check and actually stop or eventually get caught for forgetting to clear her message history.

Or she'll just start sending him messages on facebook or email, which should give you a whole other world of bother.
I know I know. I know how I sound (like an idiot) and I know how this is going to go. I really don't think she's going to just STOP

Well just give her one chance and if she continues to talk/respond to her ex, break it off with her.

This (or something along these lines). I know I'm's just not easy. we've been through a ton of shit you know.
So I went to a chemistry lecture and there was a girl who sat on a chair like a cowgirl and then ate a banana. I mean what the fuck girl, you wanna get raped? And the girl sitting next to me was reading a book about sex. Weird chemistry going on there.

Astrum, just grow some balls man. It sounds like she isn't going to stop talking to him so you should probably just break it off with her.

I mean, it's frankly unacceptable for her to continue to talk to the guy she cheated on you with. You're letting her walk all over you.
i know i've been whining about my relationship a lot on here lately...but that's what this thread is for am i right?

so my girl has cheated on me once...i was in jail and she hooked up with an ex. she admitted it when i got out. she hasn't seen him since but every time i look at her phone, just a glance or whatever, she's constantly texting him, talking to him. i can't help but get mad. she continues to do it and is so fucking stupid she doesn't see the problem. i'm trying as hard as i can to not be a jealous prick, but come on?! the one person you've ever cheated on me with is the one person i don't want you to talk to. i don't care what else she does.

what do i say to her? getting mad does nothing but get her mad. she says "it doesnt mean anything blah blah blah" but i know it does. he hits on her and says a bunch of stupid shit to her and no matter what i say she continues to talk to him, but that's it. i'm not going to break up with her over it but it's the one thing i wish she would fucking stop. what do i say. what do i do.

You're basically setting yourself up to be cheated on again. If she's still texting the dude, then it's only a matter of time. It also shows a major lack of respect for you. Bounce town without her. You really should have mentioned this much earlier in your story.

So that girl I had that great first date with has been blowing me off. I think I blew it when I didn't make a move at the end of the date. Stupid of me. It was totally building up to it and I let it pass by and it probably made me look weak. That's the only thing I can figure, because everything up to that point went really well. Oh well, I guess I was bound to fuck up in one way or another on my first date after a five year relationship.

I think I need to start trying to talk to girls in public more often (i.e. coffee shop, grocery store etc.). I used to always make excuses to not do this, but I need to meet more women and my weekend job is not conducive to meeting women in social circles. I'm really not good at ice breakers and I hate pickup lines, so that's the real hard part for me. I'm pretty good at the small talk section, so I think I just need to go say hello if I get a smile/ eye contact from a girl I'm interested in.
Fair enough:


How is she blowing me off? Well first I texted her the next day just to say I had a good time and looked forward to seeing her again. (Listened to some stupid girl who said I should do that to compensate for not making a move. Bad idea, never doing that sort of gay texting thing again!) No response. Then I called her Saturday and she said she was really busy this week, but would call me. Hasn't called me.

Well she is in a PhD program, so maybe she is just illegitimately busy, but I feel like one would at least put in the effort to call or express some kind of interest over the process of a week. Correct me if I'm just being paranoid and impatient. Like I said, I've been out of the dating game forever.
Just don't think too much of it dude. Let it play itself out. The worst thing you can do is come across too desperate.

She's gorgeous by the way.