Males and Females

DM, SN, terrible ideas. I want them to be happy, not hire mercenaries to kill me!

Derek, don't EVER tell a girl she looks "exotic." It's a one-way ticket to "ew that guy is a creep."
Wow, I had the worst case of whiskey dick last night and it was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life :lol:! I don't think I've been that wasted+high..ever?
DM, SN, terrible ideas. I want them to be happy, not hire mercenaries to kill me!

Derek, don't EVER tell a girl she looks "exotic." It's a one-way ticket to "ew that guy is a creep."

I don't think I've ever heard of a guy complimenting a woman with the word exotic, except in the case of transsexuals (wait, Derek, isn't she from Brazil? just kidding). But in all honesty, is "exotic" that bad of a word Krampus? Even if it's unusual, at least you would know it's said with sincerity.

Is that any worse than the trite usage of beautiful, gorgeous etc. Personally, I think those just seem so hollow and meaningless. And just about anything is better than "hot."
I take slight offense to "exotic" because it implies that the person is drooling over me for being a china doll or geisha or some shit. There is nothing exotic about resembling the largest racial demographic on the planet unless you've got some kind of fetish.

I'm not saying it's wrong to have racial fetishes, but a little discretion with words goes a long way. A lot of girlfriends of varying races I've talked to feel the same way.
There's nothing hot about interacial females.

White Powder.
I'm not saying it's wrong to have racial fetishes, but a little discretion with words goes a long way. A lot of girlfriends of varying races I've talked to feel the same way.

Not respecting someone you're in a relationship because of their ethnicity is worse than not dating someone because of their ethnicity imo.
So I've decided that until I can find a chick who has her feet firmly on the ground and head not in the clouds I'm not going to really worry about dating for the time being.

I've dealt with one too fucking many crazy retarded bitches in the past few years that I really want to remember having dealt with, that I've decided it is better for my sanity to just not bother.

Obviously this means nothing and I'll be back to going after some chick in a months time, but you know ... I'm trying?
I was going to make a joke but False Joe beat me to it.

I'm sitting here with one of the girls I mentioned before on a "lunch date" before class starts. What the hell does that mean?
So I've decided that until I can find a chick who has her feet firmly on the ground and head not in the clouds I'm not going to really worry about dating for the time being.

I've dealt with one too fucking many crazy retarded bitches in the past few years that I really want to remember having dealt with, that I've decided it is better for my sanity to just not bother.

Obviously this means nothing and I'll be back to going after some chick in a months time, but you know ... I'm trying?
All of those nice guy/affectionate/complimentary actions that I did in the past tended to only attract crazy younger women and occasionally older women. I don't know how you specifically attract girls, but you've had success in the past. Maybe it's your actions or your choices of women?
DM, SN, terrible ideas. I want them to be happy, not hire mercenaries to kill me!

Derek, don't EVER tell a girl she looks "exotic." It's a one-way ticket to "ew that guy is a creep."
I think I learned my lesson about being affectionate towards women. Now is going to be the difficult but attainable part of breaking my bad habits.
Touched Your Penis.

Krampus constantly makes clear that she wants everything shaved.
Most other women seem to be good with just trimming it, though.