Males and Females

I'd of thought it'd be more itchy after shaving...I hate it how some chicks make guys do stuff like this while we gents will most always compliment a chick even if there are things about them we're not happy with.
Nah man, I was actually being serious.

You've gone from nothing, to banging chicks left and right.

Fucking kudos.

I only fucked three girls, and I was referring more to the response of val and others, which is kind of pointlessly obnoxious.
Is every single one of your 9202 posts just off-topic sniping?
Well, aside from the amusing photos and shoops.
You're like Omni with funny pictures.
Is every single one of your 9202 posts just off-topic sniping?
Well, aside from the amusing photos and shoops.
You're like Omni with funny pictures.

Don't read too much into it. A couple of people including myself just find your recent constant posting about your new sex-life annoying. Doesn't mean I hate your guts and want to see you dead.

Here, e-hug:
Alright, sure. As I've said, I'm keeping it to this thread.

...which is for posting about sex lives or lack thereof, so it'd be nice if people didn't criticize me for giving relevant information (my knowledge of Laura's stance on shaving and my own experience).

But yeah, hugs.
I want a sex column in a newsweekly.

sloughfeg what beta males are you hanging around who let girls boss them around like that? I doubt that really happens that often...
It did happen to me with my ex-fiance until I could put up with her shit no more.As soon as we became engaged her already sharp claws began to sink in even further.Y'know what it's like when someone tries to make you do stuff you really don't wanna do,I usually do the exact opposite,in the end it became a tit-for-tat game of who could piss each other off the most.I tried being nice but I think she saw my kindness as a weakness and it just backfired lol,glad I got out while the going was good.i'd say it's quite common.
what a bitch!

it really shits me when couples become one weird amorphous blob and their personalities become indistinguishable from each other. "I" becomes "we" at all times and they can't ever spend time apart. it's great to be in love and enjoy spending lots of time with your special person, but when you have a druglike dependency on each other for everything IMO that is creepy and not ideal.
Yeah she was a total bitch,don't get me wrong,I had some of the best times ever with her and we both loved each others company,just watching TV and laughing,both had the same sense of humour.My alarm bells first began to ring the first time I told her that my mate was coming to my place to catch up for some beers,she rings up crying and stuff and I felt bad and had to tell my mate that I had to go,probably my fault there and then for not putting my foot down but me being a male and trying to do the right thing I went around to her place.It was great for a couple of years but then things turned very toxic,she actually hit me on a couple of occasions when she'd had one too many and that was when I thought i'd better jump on the next opportunity to get the hell out.She's contacted me since but I told her i've moved on and am happier now than I was with her towards the end,it's a shame but that's how that little fling turned out.
Your not wrong there mate.The fucked up thing about it is that if i'd have done to her what she did to me i'd be in jail.It was a weird experience but looking back a good one,it taught me alot and i'm alot wiser for it.It's a strange thing for a dude to go through,there's elements of shame,you can't hit them back but you can only put up with this for so long.
sloughfegkillers said:
I told her that my mate was coming to my place to catch up for some beers,she rings up crying and stuff

you mean like she got all upset whenever you wanted to hang out with your friends and not her?

my very good friend at home has a gf kind of like that. she just goes everywhere he goes, including bowling league with his buddies, magic the gathering at starbucks, and pretty much everywhere. she just sits and watches. sleeps over every night too. weird thing is that she has two kids of her own so you'd think she'd be busy with them more than she is...
haha there is one common denominator there,my ex had two of her own as well and I treated them like my own.Maybe that's a reason why they get so clingy.
Yes she did get upset...tell your friend to be careful!
I knew a girl like that. She was dating my mate, and we basically never saw him whilst they dated.

Every single night she'd demand him over to hang out. If he ever went out with us, he'd disappear at like half 10/11ish because she wanted to see him. One time he was doing an all nighter with us and she actually said "You're just doing this so you don't have to see me". Instead of the fact that he had to do this to get a half decent mark in the module.

She's a nice enough girl, but god damn she's a shitty gf.
We actually had a group hip hip hooray when we got pissed to celebrate his breaking up.