Males and Females

Clean up, get right and talk to some random people. The opportunity to exploit yourself is an amazing high, I feel like going out and meeting someone new every night is the only way to experience anything outside of yourself(your thoughts). If I stay in too long I become very isolated, bored and see no real results when it comes to maturing and becoming a person who is constantly in flux, constantly being challenged. Win or lose, good or bad the experience in and of itself is all that matters. I think once you become fixed on "being" a certain someone it's hard to escape.
Clean up, get right and talk to some random people. The opportunity to exploit yourself is an amazing high, I feel like going out and meeting someone new every night is the only way to experience anything outside of yourself(your thoughts). If I stay in too long I become very isolated, bored and see no real results when it comes to maturing and becoming a person who is constantly in flux, constantly being challenged. Win or lose, good or bad the experience in and of itself is all that matters. I think once you become fixed on "being" a certain someone it's hard to escape.

The opposite happens, too. You can become obsessed with going out and meeting people and forming connections that border on meaningless for the sake of having "experiences." I'm borderline.
Well if he were able to hold off on going FWB until ~a month before they move out, then maybe it would work?
@kramp Shit, at least you're going. Get spinning at U60311. My friend always talks about the epic speakers that are the size of walls at that place. I took him to hammerstein ballroom once and he just dismissed it.
Haha. I'll be there during the week, hope they have some good midweek parties. I'm sure they will. I wanted to go to Cocoon Club for New Year's Eve but I think I'm going to be in Berlin instead (with a friend - can't ever be alone but then again who hangs out solo on New Year's Eve).

I've never been to Hammerstein Ballroom. Actually I know nothing about techno in NYC, the closest I've come is Calvin Harris at the Bowery.
I have this one guy in the back of one of my classes that has either an opinion or a comment about EVERYTHING the prof says. Today I told him to shut up. If he says "prion" one more time I'm going to throw a used tampon at him.
Yea, that was my conclusion after tonight as well. She's upstairs with some her ex right now in an attempt to make me jealous I think. I just drank a Holsten and will be going to bed.

If you get yourself into that mess it could get ugly fast. Unknown got that one right.

As far as that whole marriage thing goes, it's really a matter of personal preference. When I was in my early 20's I was never going to get married, and definitely never have kids. Now in my 30's I am married, and I have two kids. It worked out well, but you have to do it when you're ready. Your viewpoint on life changes over time as well, so, shit happens.
I think you're mistaking "evil" for "inherently female." Get used to it since we are all Baphomets underneath our cute dresses.