Males and Females

can anyone give me any advice cos I'm sick of dreamin of her. Maybe I didn't communicate that she's like actually fucking beautiful.
fuck you, I've got some booze right here, and my phone right here. It'll all be merry in the morning.
I'm kinda in the same boat as Onder here. I have this great friendship with this girl that I like and I'd love to tell her how I really feel, but I don't want to ruin the friendship we have together by asking her out or something. I don't want her to think that we can't be friends anymore and stuff. I've been trying to think of a good way of telling her this, but I haven't come up with anything. Granted, I'm not in love with her or anything, I don't know her well enough to say something like that, but I would like to pursue a relationship with her without losing what we currently have.

Well, having a relationship with someone always ruins what you "once had". I love my husband dearly, but when we were just getting to know each other is was giddy, lusty, exciting. Now, it's like "Fuck, you couldn't do the dishes? I mean you were home all day." "Can I get some sex later?" "Talk to me after the dishes are done."
That's sweet though. The thrill of "ooh baby I know you want me and I want you too" is nice but knowing someone's ins and outs and the stupid crap that makes them giggle is so much better.

I am on my period at the moment so maybe that is why I am saying this
That's sweet though. The thrill of "ooh baby I know you want me and I want you too" is nice but knowing someone's ins and outs and the stupid crap that makes them giggle is so much better.

I am on my period at the moment so maybe that is why I am saying this

I was in a bar and a guy refused to drink one glass of red wine because he somehow thought that it's someone's period. Whoever thought of this as a practical joke must be insane.

EDIT: Paranoia strikes again.
That's sweet though. The thrill of "ooh baby I know you want me and I want you too" is nice but knowing someone's ins and outs and the stupid crap that makes them giggle is so much better.

I am on my period at the moment so maybe that is why I am saying this

I never post anything when I'm on my period. I just sound like satan.
I never post anything when I'm on my period. I just sound like satan.


@Onder wtf? You would fucking know by the taste if it was menses in your cup. Plus it is not the same consistency as wine. That guy probably went home and jerked off to "tampon lollipops" or whatever
Possible options :
1-You're kidding
2-You are a western media brain-washed
3-You miss-matched Iran with Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia.
right back at ya, what you see in the news about Saudi Arabia =/= reality, Saudi Arabia has changed enormously in the past few years, specially the big three cities. The majority of the new generation are copying the western traditions of all kinds (mostly the bad things since they're idiots). This might sound shocking but it is really easy to get laid here (which is a shame imho, I just don't like sluts).
That being said, there are still a lot of religious people in different levels, there are people who are limitedly open minded and religious(they take the good open minded things and leave the bad things), there are people who entirely gave up on their religion and traditions.
This just reminds of something that happened to me last summer, I was in the supermarket and I was wearing Amon Amarth t-shirt, an Australian guy spot it me and came to me, he asked me if I speak English then I told him "yes I do" he kept saying that he doesn't believe that he's in Saudi Arabia, he kept wondering why there was a guy and his girlfriend in the supermarket flirting, I told him that the new generation are just copying the western people.
I am currently seeing a Muslim girl who seems to have thrown off all inhibitions since leaving Iran. She, however, mentioned that Iran is fairly more liberal when it comes to inter-gender relations than neighboring nations. You just need to use common sense about it. Tehran =/= Kabul or Riyadh.

The only different between Tehran and Riyadh is that people in here are afraid of the religious police, that's why they don't go out with their gfs in public.
Btw I know I'm late, this is the second time I write this, I closed the page by mistake in the first time...
From my understanding of it and what I read on the news, it's not as if there isn't a fear, or at least a sense of apprehension, about the religious policing bodies in Iran. They just seem to not be as stringent as the ones in Saudi Arabia for example.
I imagine Saudi Arabia holds their subjects to the same standards that the Vatican does. I mean, sure SA is a real country and not some bizarre religious compound, but they are both epicenters for their respective religions. You wouldn't see a priest at the Vatican openly fornicating, for example.
She was cute but pretty weird. She talked about how she would never want to get married or have kids. When a girl says something like that I take it as a sign that there is something wrong with her. :(

Seems like a chick i'd like.