Males and Females

I decided to change and be more of a man about a week ago. It is not easy, but I know I can do this. I'm consciously not messaging girls online that I used to on a regular basis and I'm trying to see if they will reciprocate and message me first. Therefore, I sam creating attraction. And I still want that girl that rejected me to be attracted to me, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm doing the same to her as well. Though it is a hard process. It's taking a lot of discipline and the Internet doesn't seem as fun as it was. But that's ok, in time, everything will come together.
It's not ruined but it has never been a normal friendship if you always fancied her, right?

Say she doesn't like you back and you remain friends. Are you cool with holding back/hiding your feelings forever to save this friendship?

Well I've always found her physically attractive. I don't think there is a guy out there that would disagree, but it was only recently that I've had some different feelings about her. I've never really had feelings aside from lust and physical attraction to a woman, mainly because I generally don't talk to them. Also, I've always told myself that I wouldn't really "date" anyone that I didn't really have a connection with and multiple common interests.

And to answer your question, yes. I would be willing to hold those. I'm sure that, in due time, someone else will come my way that I have a stronger connection with.
I decided to change and be more of a man about a week ago. It is not easy, but I know I can do this. I'm consciously not messaging girls online that I used to on a regular basis and I'm trying to see if they will reciprocate and message me first. Therefore, I sam creating attraction. And I still want that girl that rejected me to be attracted to me, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'm doing the same to her as well. Though it is a hard process. It's taking a lot of discipline and the Internet doesn't seem as fun as it was. But that's ok, in time, everything will come together.

So I was talking with this girl, and things were going so great. We had a lot in common, and she even asked for my phone number. So I went to reach for a pen in my pocket and suddenly spaghetti fell right out of my pocket. Everyone started laughing at me, including her. It was so embarrassing
No she really really is. She's not my girl though :bah:

I've told her how I feel and kissed her. Don't know what to do now. She seems a bit cool with me, I don't think she finds me all that hot. I don't want to play it cool in case someone snatches her up.
So I was talking with this girl, and things were going so great. We had a lot in common, and she even asked for my phone number. So I went to reach for a pen in my pocket and suddenly spaghetti fell right out of my pocket. Everyone started laughing at me, including her. It was so embarrassing

Why were you keeping spaghetti in your pocket? Were you really that worried that there would be no available food to snack on elsewhere?

LOLed super hard.

JAGE did she kiss back? That could mark the end of all things if you know what I mean. Hope some eagles pick you up from the blazing volcano.
hmm, think I just made a big mistake.
Was at the grocery store buying some Edys Pumpkin ice cream.
as im walking to the register I see a chick with some sweet fucking legs and a nice ass.
She's about 30 ft infront of me.
She turns around and looks at me.
And didnt have the normal "this wierd looking fat guy is staring at me" face
I sped past her to get to the check out. Paid for my icecream and was walking away to leave the store.
Turned around and saw her in the same line looking at me again.
I was totally tempted to wait for her to come outside to talk to her, but decided to leave. :lol:

Now before you say anything. Chicks dont look at me. Im pretty much the invisible man with it comes to females.
So seeing this chick looking at me like that was very odd.
so last night I hung out with a female acquaintance, Christine...friend of a friend. we went to a bar and had a couple of beers then went back to my place and watched a movie. got cozy on the couch. then after the movie she went and puked :erk: which sucked because things were definitely looking good. we were flirting, she was wearing a low cut shirt with her boobs totally hanging out. we talked about casual sex and junk at one point. we'll probably hang out again when she's not sick. I will end this five or six month long dry spell

also have a date sunday with a vegetarian girl who also doesn't drink. we've been shooting messages back and forth with each other and she seems really awesome. should be interesting. she's really cute. so we'll see what happens
A chick looking at you doesn't necessarily mean anything. Maybe you look like someone she knows. I find it awkward when women who are obviously married with children like I am flirt with me. I was at FedEx the other day sending faxes and I started a conversation with a mom who just seemed thrilled to have another man talking to her. I was flattered at first because she was attractive, but then my conscious caught up with me and I felt guilty so I cut off the conversation and walked away. I must have seemed like a total weirdo.
Considering breaking things off with my fiance... she's been absolutely insufferable as of the past two-three months... wants to be mad about everything... will lay in bed all day... and is just generally impossible to get along with.

I know she's depressed, she's been diagnosed before... but she doesnt want or care for help... instead, everything is thrown onto my back... I'm caught in the middle of every arguement and I'm just starting to lose resolve.
Considering breaking things off with my fiance... she's been absolutely insufferable as of the past two-three months... wants to be mad about everything... will lay in bed all day... and is just generally impossible to get along with.

Buy some metal shirts and marry the fuck out of her.
LOLed super hard.

JAGE did she kiss back? That could mark the end of all things if you know what I mean. Hope some eagles pick you up from the blazing volcano.

No but she kind of giggled and said 'ohhh well!' and smiled. I maybe should have hung around after doing/saying it but I was embarrassed so I quickly disappeared. Oh should add it was just a peck on the cheek.
Fuck taking advice from her man...she uses it as a stepping stone,same as pretty much all other chicks.Unfortunately with most of em you gotta treat em mean to keep em keen.Never let a bitch have the upper hand.That's one great thing about the net...generally most chicks are not nice,fucking ego driven freaks of nature but as long as you get your end in every now and then,that's what matters.I love women and they love me for my service,that is where it ends.