Males and Females

We can all sit around and fantasise about being married to a bunch of hot women who are all hot and just wanna fuck all the time and have kinky hot group sex and never argue or get jealous or get their periods or complain about anything ever, but the cold hard reality of the matter is that that will never happen, and polygamy is nothing like that, and in fact Polygamy is fucking stupid and retarded and not "normal" at all.

Some might argue that the whole institution of marriage is "fucking stupid and retarded and not 'normal' at all."
Having a relationship with just one woman long enough to raise a child until like they're like 9 or something is actually natural.

We aren't swans though.

I'm pretty sure racism comes into it as well. Males want to be sure that the child they're fetching food for actually has their genes. So if it looks like them it's a bonus.
I'm probably going to ask Ashley (my girlfriend) to marry me when I go visit her in Hawaii this x-mas.

Just thought I'd throw that in there since everyone is talking about marriage.

I don't think so. There's nothing about her I don't like, which makes me wonder why it's been 6 1/2 years and I still haven't proposed to her yet.

True love is hard to find. Sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend.
so I have a date tomorrow with this girl...she's vegetarian and doesn't drink. she's really cute and we've really hit it off online and through texting. so we'll see what happens. I'm actually slightly nervous
new rule i came up with to enhance my life - if she's under 18 not so much as allowed to think about it

funny how one sour experience can change my entire perception of an age group
"If there's grass on the field play ball"

"old enough to pee old enough for me"

In other words...

"If you keep acting like a bitch, somebody's gonna fuck that pussy on your face"
OMG that's so exciting Rick! That's right, I called you Rick. Is Ashley a Korean adoptee?

Good luck unknown. For some reason I always date nondrinkers, even though I like drinking.

The fun part of planning the dorky couple Halloween costume is coming up. We are going as Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love and I gotta figure out what blend of powder eyeliner and purple eyeshadow will make the best "track marks."