Males and Females

seriously. it was just really weird and out of character for her it seems like. we had been communicating really well via text and chat. she was super friendly. always responded. then the day of the date I sent her a text in the morning, she didn't respond. but I went ahead and went. sent her another text letting her know I was running late. still no reply. got there, didn't see her...waited around and ended up eating anyway (the food was good). Called later and left a voicemail and still nothing. one of my coworkers asked the question of if she's hurt or something which is certainly a possibility

It's weird being a girl sometimes. If she wasn't hit by a bus or had the serious case of the shits, then she definitely doesn't like you like that, but probably didn't want to be mean to you. So she kept in touch and was nice, until things got a bit too far. The same thing happened to my best friend recently. He was willing to date a girl who has a kid. He's desperate, and she has no friends anymore because of the kid, baby daddy wants nothing to do with them either. Things seemed to be going well until the day they planned to go to a movie together. He called her, and she never answered. And that was the end of that. It's just hard to reject people sometimes.

And I feel like I'm doing that to some poor bastard now. Except he only talks to me because he wants to fuck me, other than that we have absolutely nothing in common. I never lead him on, and always deny him but I think the chase keeps him going. I know he only wants to get with me because he only happens to have an interest in my opinion when I'm single. If he wasn't a dick, liked metal, and was of "Beastmaster" status I would care. I just try to be careful never to give him the idea, ever...that I would grant him entrance into my meat hall.
The hot kid that sits behind me in class. He used to sit across the room, and on the first day of class I caught him looking at me. Now, he always takes the seat directly behind me. And doesn't leave the classroom until I leave. So he's my little shadow.

But he never talks to me. I totally have a thing for him because he's hot...and I'm single. I'm a nice person...but terribly shy. I go about speaking to him without being socially awkward or him thinking I'm a freak? I've been considering showing the goods but I'm usually not a person who shows skin, and I wouldn't want to make him nervous. I would make it so easy for him too if he just spoke to me.

Something similar happened last semester too. And I regret it terribly, but I can't for the life of me make the first move.
So yeah I need to grow a pair. And I think it'll be on my mind forever until I do. The single life is lonely.
You could start with small talk about the class or something and find out more about him. Exchange numbers perhaps, get a meal, go to party, whatever works.
Eye contact and a smile. If he's not a beta male he'll either make a move or make you make a move. Are you in HS or college? Making out in the woods behind the high school was a fun game to play.
Devourment-chick actually sounds slightly better than horse-chick. Good choice. And there's always man-purse on the other end, poor guy.
I have talked about how I have a crush on Devourment chick. Should I call her or something? I have never called her even though we have something of a history together I guess. How does that work? I can't explain. I'm too drunk. Seriously, should I call Devourment chick? Keep in mind that my ex-gf is sort of falling in love with me again (no, actually, she's always been in love with me, she's just suspicious about the viability of a relationship between us.) I really want to hang out with Devourment chick but it would be weird calling her because I've never called her. I think she would be surprised about it. I shouldn't do it probably. I should probably just keep to myself.

Simple, give Devourment chick a call and see what happens from there...If things don't look too good, or shit goes sour, get back with the ex.'re pretty damn hot Krampi,especially compared to what you used to be like and I bet you only get better from here.For me,I've got two on the go atm,which fucking sux,both at the just getting to know stage but they both wanna catch up soon and go out.Why the fuck does this happen? nothing for ages then two or more at once and I hate explaining this shit.One's already calling me babe,like she's laying claim,admittedly i've known her for a while but that don't give her the right to do that shit...I think this other chick is hot as fuck,i've just started going to school and only known her for two or three weeks,she used to go out with one of the dudes from Pisschrist who were/are Aussie crust punks and i'd like to do a bit of window browsing but still be an honourable male...I suppose I just gotta be firm :D
Yeah maybe mate,I would in a perfect world but trouble is bound to occur.You can't do that shit with chicks without lying and stuff and i'm not good at lying,i'll sort something out.That's half of the beauty of chicks,they keep you on your toes:)
No need to delete your post'll get it in sooner or later.:lol:
According to UD,
In the animal kingdom, the alpha male is the dominant member of the community. He’s like a cartoon caveman, commanding deference. The betas are wingmen, collaborative and conciliatory. In human terms, betas make the best mates. They do more in the house, and probably in the bedroom, because they know how to hasten the greater good. The beta has poetry in him, and a touch of youthful idealism. He’s sure of who he is, and not constantly trying to prove his value in materialistic terms. The beta can earn a lot of money, or a little, but the money’s not the thing; he profits because he works well with others.

There’s something rebellious about the beta male; he challenges the social order rather than succumbing to it. The beta male doesn’t buy in to the basest stereotypes about male behavior.
Um, the very definition of a "beta male" is that he succumbs to order. Nothing rebellious at all about beta males. The rest of it is arguable.