Males and Females

It makes sense, though. Generally speaking women aren't trying to get with other women, which would make sense why the face would be the first thing they look at. Guys are so the body is the first they look at. As for women complimenting each other, the way you compliment someone determines how they will respond. There's not much to say if someone says "you're ugly" or "you're hot" depending on them situation it can make it awkward. But if you say something like I like your hair that can actually lead into a conversation.
The point I was making is that women appear to be displaying more judgment about appearance than men, so it's ironic when women accuse men of being judgmental about appearance.
I saw a commercial for Extenze and noticed you can actually go into some stores and buy this. I remember at some point you could only order this on TV. Anyone ever try anything like this ?
ExtenZe is a herbal nutritional supplement claiming to promote "natural male enhancement", which suggests a euphemism for penis enlargement.[1] However, television commercials make few definitive claims, employing suggestion and euphemism or promising a "better" or "more fun" sexual experience.

A class action settlement has been proposed and preliminarily approved, to resolve plaintiff claims that ExtenZe maker Biotab Nutraceuticals, Inc engaged in deceptive marketing (advertising, labeling, promotion, etc.) by claiming it enlarged a man's penis despite the lack of any credible scientific evidence supporting that claim. Claimants can file claims for a full refund of documented purchases of ExtenZe, and a refund for up to $22.50 of undocumented purchases. The complaint also claims that the claims were made in violation of a pre-existing court-ordered injunction.[4][5] As of September 2011, the settlement has been awaiting a ruling from the court on a motion for final approval for 6 months.

In 2006, ExtenZe agreed to pay the Orange County, California, district attorney's office $300,000 in civil penalties for unfair business practices and false advertising. Susan Kang Schroeder of the DA's office said the company could not back up its claim that the pills caused users' penises to grow 27%. After several customers in Laguna Beach, California complained to the Better Business Bureau that ExtenZe was making them sick, the district attorney investigated. Investigations revealed that ExtenZe’s lead content was beyond the legal limits.[1]

Ira Sharlip, a spokesman for the American Urological Association, has said, "There is no such thing as a penis pill that works. These are all things that are sold for profit. There's no science or substance behind them."[6] The manufacturer does not give an exact increase in length that one should expect to be grown after using the pills but it does however state that the results are temporary and that they are to be seen only as long as the supplement is administered.[7]

where can I get one
One of the things I've never understood is how it's sexist/otherwise offensive in the stereotypical woman's eye to judge a woman on their weight, lack of boobies/ass, etc, but somehow when facial structure gets involved its fine even though that's the area in which ugly people have the least flexibility in self-improvement. Like, "she's got great curves, she's super hot" is offensive but "she's got a highly symmetrical face, she's so pretty" is the right way for men to judge women. Not that it excuses all the guys I here talking about there being too many ugly chicks or who has fake boobs or whatever, but vanity is vanity.

I've never noticed this. But you are right - probably because guys don't have boobs, and our way of viewing them is obviously different than theirs.

Similarly though, I know of some women who talk nothing about how they want a guy with lots of muscle and who is really tall (do guys even care about height?) Luckily I'm not lacking in the latter department, but I really need to get a gym membership or I'm never gonna get laid. And need to get rid of this gut. But hey, who needs a six pack when you have a keg?
Wasn't there a study that showed that women rated somewhere around 80-90% of the guys on OK cupid as being below average attractiveness?

Edit - it was 80%

If they're judging solely by attractiveness, I think I'd have a good chance... I'm tall (6'2) and, I've always felt, pretty decent looking. But the fact is that most girls don't care about that. They want the guy who is confident (read: arrogant douchebag), and will "take care of them", whatever that means. Sad part is that I kinda want someone who will take care of me, and girls don't think that's their responsibility. "Oh, it's my job to just be cute and helpless while my man works three jobs so I can spend all his money because I have tits!" Feminism was actually a great thing to happen, but sadly, it just didn't do enough.

Naw, I don't don't use any dating / hook up services.

Not that I think you were knocking it or anything, but I saw on one of those daytime talk shows that internet dating websites and the like are super popular now. About 1 out of 4 current relationships started out via the internet. I remember when just a few years ago, that kind of thing was frowned upon. Like, people thinking someone was a fucking loser because they met a guy or gal via MySpace or whatever.
If they're judging solely by attractiveness, I think I'd have a good chance... I'm tall (6'2) and, I've always felt, pretty decent looking. But the fact is that most girls don't care about that. They want the guy who is confident (read: arrogant douchebag),

This sounds like something I would post.

My suggestion is get a girlfriend, because if you go for too many years with only occasional brief romances, you will go crazy. Then there's no turning back, it only gets worse. You become Travis Bickle.
I don't think strong people need a long-term partner, but I'm young. Maybe I'll live with 5 cats when I'm 40. They say the first cat purchase is usually the sign of "I'm actually fucking fucked, never thought this would happen".
Not that I think you were knocking it or anything, but I saw on one of those daytime talk shows that internet dating websites and the like are super popular now. About 1 out of 4 current relationships started out via the internet. I remember when just a few years ago, that kind of thing was frowned upon. Like, people thinking someone was a fucking loser because they met a guy or gal via MySpace or whatever.

Yeah, I wasn't knocking it for sure. For me relationships have always just...kind of happened. I also would typically just feel weird putting myself in that situation ( online and offline ) which probably has to do mostly with self confidence.

But yeah, isn't it funny how quickly the view can change?
I think a lot of it stems from the migration to social networks as a staple of communication. Even businesses have their own social networks now - I used LinkedIn for a lot of my legwork when I was looking for a job, and it makes it pretty easy to stay in touch with former coworkers and round up references quickly.
The point I was making is that women appear to be displaying more judgment about appearance than men, so it's ironic when women accuse men of being judgmental about appearance.

Women are generally more detail-oriented, while men focus on the big picture. Obviously, with education, either is just as capable of both types of thinking; but anthropologically, the theory I often think of is that men are hunters who focus on a single target from a distance, while women are the gatherers, who train themselves to see well into the details of a close-up environment for the desired goodies. Also, since they have more to sort through, they are pickier about what's considered good, whereas men will settle for just about anything.
I think that's part of it, but I also think that since physical beauty is usually a woman's primary means of attracting a mate, women have more of a focus on beauty in general. I think that their tendency to compliment each other so much is either a ritual I've observed that's confined to my surrounding culture, or it's a way they build/maintain a good standing with each other. In the latter case, their value as a mate is their beauty, and their compliments are essentially a way of saying "you have value as a mate."
Yo bros! Where do I go to deathcrush a girl if we both live with our parents and can't be up late in the night? My bedroom is like 3 feet away from where my parents sleep, and they are light sleepers.

Fuck Bitches, Get Money
Yo bros! Where do I go to deathcrush a girl if we both live with our parents and can't be up late in the night? My bedroom is like 3 feet away from where my parents sleep, and they are light sleepers.

Well if it really bugs you give them headphones or something.
cheap hotel? :p

expensive hotel?

bed and breakfast place (if they exist in America) somewhere, nice like near some lake or woods or mountains or something. Do that for like, a weekend or something.

That's not good for regular sex though.

How about in the back of a van, throw a mattress down in it. Do any of your friends have vans?
You have these options (assuming you wanna do it right now):

1) Do it in your room without giving a fuck
2) Do it outside in the wilderness like fucking animals (maybe she's into it)
3) Do it in your car, as long as your fat ass fits in the backseat
4) Find a friend's place that has an empty room
5) Be a fag and pay for a motel