Males and Females

Fuck downstate New York and Jersey and Connecticut. Mass, VT and upstate (not western/central) NY for LIFE!

Xorv I don't know more than two languages. I don't even know two. I'm fluent only in English and I can't actually speak German to save my life.

The best position is when you're pounding his ass with a gigantic cucumber and he is crying and bleeding.
Hmm, I do think its possible for a guy to be friends with a girl. Hell, my best friend is a girl, it just happens that she is really cool, has a great sense of humor, listens to Iron Maiden, and likes to watch me headbang, and most importantly we communicate very well. We can talk about whatever for hours and not get bored. Plus she has nice tits.

A girl I dated for a month like two years ago is now one of my best friends and one of my housemates. We've been living together for two months so far and it's been great.
si pero a este momento en me vida no mas tenia la sexo con viejas que son (accent on o I think) blanca de la piel, pero quiero hace la sexo con un mujer que es negra. no se, porque yo soy blanco, pero me gusta los negras!! *drools*

@ krampus, I'm practicing you butt fizzle.
:lol: Yo comprendo. Prefiero mujeres latinas como brasilenas y puertoricquenas. Si, soy blanco tambien pero prefiero mujeres que no son blancos. Me encantan ojos cafes. A veces, mujeres negras tienen una cula buena. Me gusta esta tambien. Estoy mejorando mi juego con mujeres en general y espero que tener mas exitos con mujeres pronto.
Why do New Yorkers hate people from New Jersey? Just a question.

It's not just New Yorkers. If I had to pick a state (I mean a real state, east or west coast) to be ejected from the union, it'd be New Jersey. NJ is the one state I exclude from my Northeastern Secession platform. Also, the entire north part of the state smells like a sewer backed up and I swear everything is made of brick and cement.
que es mal con usted y la mujeres ahora? no ma estoy preguntando porque yo tambien necesita conocer los mujeres mas, estan extrano a veses, si? lol y porque estas hablando asi si fuera la mujeres un jugete? juege es la palabre esos pendejos, los jugadoras, usa.
omgz yay! im from philly!! everyone hers from jersey and jersey = wannabe new york so im almost newyorkian!

Every time I've been to philly I've forgotten to get a cheese steak :(. I really really love steak, and cheese, and sandwiches are my favorite food...EVER...but somehow I let it slip my mind. I think I've only been there twice though, once for a show at the trocadero and another at the electric factory.

Why do New Yorkers hate people from New Jersey? Just a question.
Because in Jersey you can not make a left turn. I am dead serious. You need to make three rights in order to turn left. The road signs to get on the Jersey turnpike are tiny...
but Jersey has starland Ballroom, and that place kicks ass! I haven't gone to a show there in a while, but there's also this really awesome mall there, and a denny's right by the best western in that area. Oh yeah and atlantic city! I've been there once, it was a lot of fun. Just gambled on the nickel slots and kept getting free drinks.
The show Jersey shore really doesn't help that state's image at all. I never watch it...but...I hear things...

@ Krampus,...I'm from Long Island. I can understand why you hate downstate New york. It's really over crowded here, the LIE and northern state both blow, and it is the epitome of those popped up pink collar assholes who make the scrunchy face for pictures on facebook. The majority of women here only care about uggs, expensive handbags, and bebe. It might be like this everywhere, but I can say for sure that I've only come across a handful of people who are genuine, nice and awesome. Not my best friend though, he's a fat asshole.
There's only 2 good things about living here, I'm only a short train ride away from the city, and usually every good band that tours comes to NYC so I've seen pretty much every good band I've cared to see that has toured. I live by the beach too, it's a dank gross beach but its a cool place to have bonfires and drink.
Every time I've been to philly I've forgotten to get a cheese steak :(. I really really love steak, and cheese, and sandwiches are my favorite food...EVER...but somehow I let it slip my mind. I think I've only been there twice though, once for a show at the trocadero and another at the electric factory.

I've been to the Trocadero for a show and I liked it. I abstain from meat whenever possible, so I haven't had a cheese steak and don't intend to either. Also, I just got here exactly a month ago.
I more or less have a gf now. Everything else in my life has suddenly gone down the toilet though.
Hmm, I do think its possible for a guy to be friends with a girl. Hell, my best friend is a girl, it just happens that she is really cool, has a great sense of humor, listens to Iron Maiden, and likes to watch me headbang, and most importantly we communicate very well. We can talk about whatever for hours and not get bored. Plus she has nice tits.

NONSENSE! if the girl is REMOTELY attractive then you want to fuck her. The only way a guy is a friend with a girl its when the guy is either gay or the girl is incredibly ugly, fact.