Males and Females

I just got my new emperor shirt in the mail today. I'm so wearing it tomorrow, and if he doesn't tell me he likes it then I guess it's not worth pursuing.

I am no expert on dating, but this is the most immature way of a girl trying to get a guy's attention, it will not work. Just fucking talk to him if he seems interesting to you.

I can't speak for all of us, but I am confident in saying that the signs a girl sends have to be pretty overt for us to pick up on them. Certainly, a t-shirt isn't going to do it.

I think I've annoyed some girls I know by being not having sufficient self control, eg staring etc.

Well bollocks I say.

Uh, me and alcohol don't mix. I've really pissed some people off and said things that I shouldn't have said, texted messages I shouldn't have texted.
or you can try dating people with different tastes in music and stuff than you. none of my girlfriends have been metalheads.

That is just UNTHINKABLE unknown. UNFUCKINGTHINKABLE. I mean, BAND SHIRTS are at stake!

For people in the throes of metal-infatuation-passion (mostly younger folks) I can see why it would be important to date someone with the same hobby/passion. I think I won the jackpot in that Man-Purse and I like different kinds of metal but there is no "aw honey are you going to see your goat worshipping band again?" and we can share hair products because we are actually a gay couple.
The only metal bands I can think of that my girlfriend listens to would be Mastodon, Baroness and Kylesa. I'm absolutely content with that. Also, yesterday morning she got up to put on some coffee and she put on my Incantation shirt and I popped like a hundred boners at once.
I think it's important to have similar hobbies/interests. It's even more true with music than it would be other hobbies as music can flat out annoy someone if they aren't into what you like, while other hobbies/interests don't quite force themselves at everyone else in the room. Furthermore, I don't buy into the "date someone else to open me up to new ideas/world/etc." as the cliche saying goes. I can do that well enough on my own should I desire it. IMO the goal is to find someone you like with similar tastes who you're comfortable with to spend time together + shag, not to change who you are or your outlook on the world, etc.
I just care about the shagging. That tidbit of information probably makes me a bad person, but then again probably not.

in spanish; no mas tengo cuidado en la sexo. Este pedazo de informacion probablemente me hace un persona mal, pero entonces no.
There's nothing wrong with just wanting to get laid

It's not like you're always supposed to be looking for a relationship, nothing wrong with just wanting to have fun
As stated numerous times before, guys usually aren't interested in being friends with females that there is no chance to copulate with.


However, there is something to be said for infiltrating (not the best word, maybe joining?) the friend network of girls to meet other girls. Maybe you aren't interested in her, but she probably has a few friends that you could be introduced too. This involves more work and patience than a lot of guys are used to, but I have seen it happen.
Personally I have no problem being 'just friends' with women, it just seems like the vast majority of them are boring as hell.
Should I be posting in multiple languages?

I am a Berliner donut
Ich bin ein Berliner

I kind of agree with Draele in that having similar interests to your person usually yields more to talk about/do together. I can't see myself dating a bro or a hip-hopper or a basement nerd for very long.