Males and Females

I just care about the shagging. That tidbit of information probably makes me a bad person, but then again probably not.

in spanish; no mas tengo cuidado en la sexo. Este pedazo de informacion probablemente me hace un persona mal, pero entonces no.
Hola! Hay un otro personaje aqui que puede hablar en espanol conmigo.
:lol: Well, the more experience you get with women the better you'll be at sex, and your skills in general with attracting women will improve also. So, it could help you get a higher quality of woman, or to get in a relationship with who you want to be with.
Ya has hecho la sexo con una mujer?
si pero a este momento en me vida no mas tenia la sexo con viejas que son (accent on o I think) blanca de la piel, pero quiero hace la sexo con un mujer que es negra. no se, porque yo soy blanco, pero me gusta los negras!! *drools*

@ krampus, I'm practicing you butt fizzle.
are you metal_wrath incarnate? he used to post "I am studying German" in German everywhere.

I need to learn Spanish. Goddamn it, why did I take French in HS and then stop studying/practicing it in college?
Well, the more experience you get with women the better you'll be at sex, and your skills in general with attracting women will improve also. So, it could help you get a higher quality of woman, or to get in a relationship with who you want to be with.
Ya has hecho la sexo con una mujer?

Not always true.
I dated someone that was like 5 years older than me, I was drinking with my friend cornbread and the ex before we were dating, and we got into a discussion of how many people we've fucked and how many times we've done it and where they put it and whatnot. My ex was the winner with supposedly 13 chicks.
But despite this every time we did it, it was just sad...
Always missionary, he would go at it for like 30 seconds then complain that he was tired, so I'd go on top and push him down (ok so it's a little scary that I had to be the man here)...and cowgirled it for another 30 seconds (I'd say two minutes...tops)...and then it would all be over. And it would be this same routine every time.

So yeah experience does not help if your just a sad, sorry failure of a man.
Not always true.
I dated someone that was like 5 years older than me, I was drinking with my friend cornbread and the ex before we were dating, and we got into a discussion of how many people we've fucked and how many times we've done it and where they put it and whatnot. My ex was the winner with supposedly 13 chicks.
But despite this every time we did it, it was just sad...
Always missionary, he would go at it for like 30 seconds then complain that he was tired, so I'd go on top and push him down (ok so it's a little scary that I had to be the man here)...and cowgirled it for another 30 seconds (I'd say two minutes...tops)...and then it would all be over. And it would be this same routine every time.

So yeah experience does not help if your just a sad, sorry failure of a man.

He probably did each of those 13 chicks for like 10 seconds at a time. LOL at him complaining he was tired. Sounds like a fat loser.
He wasn't fat, just a loser. The girls were all probably 15 and 16 year old fat goth chicks that knew nothing of the ways of the cock. His only redeeming quality was that he made awesome egg sandwiches in the morning. I regret getting him into really awesome metal, he thinks he's cool now.

Either way I'm glad I'm out of that awful situation. I hardly ever got any and when I did it was so god awful....It's probably also why I'm so man-crazy now.
I've decided to only make it with a man who will let me call him "The Beastmaster!".
:lol: I only really cant last when doing it from behind. I beat my penis to death when I was younger to the point I think I lost some sensitivity. I can go at a moderate speed from missonary or girl on top forever.
:lol: I only really cant last when doing it from behind. I beat my penis to death when I was younger to the point I think I lost some sensitivity. I can go at a moderate speed from missonary or girl on top forever.

Girl on top I could probably last forever.

Edit: Unless its reverse cowgirl.
Hmm, I do think its possible for a guy to be friends with a girl. Hell, my best friend is a girl, it just happens that she is really cool, has a great sense of humor, listens to Iron Maiden, and likes to watch me headbang, and most importantly we communicate very well. We can talk about whatever for hours and not get bored. Plus she has nice tits.
are you metal_wrath incarnate? he used to post "I am studying German" in German everywhere.

I need to learn Spanish. Goddamn it, why did I take French in HS and then stop studying/practicing it in college?

hey atleast you know more than two languages, I only know two. Even though I will eventually take a german course in college, such a marvelous language of POWER!!!!!
Not always true.
I dated someone that was like 5 years older than me, I was drinking with my friend cornbread and the ex before we were dating, and we got into a discussion of how many people we've fucked and how many times we've done it and where they put it and whatnot. My ex was the winner with supposedly 13 chicks.
But despite this every time we did it, it was just sad...
Always missionary, he would go at it for like 30 seconds then complain that he was tired, so I'd go on top and push him down (ok so it's a little scary that I had to be the man here)...and cowgirled it for another 30 seconds (I'd say two minutes...tops)...and then it would all be over. And it would be this same routine every time.

So yeah experience does not help if your just a sad, sorry failure of a man.
That sounds sad. If he had just applied himself instead of being apathetic and selfish, both of your lives in one area would've improved. It sounds like you need a real man that applies himself and will take charge. :p
Nice to meet you also. I Am The Black Wizards is one of my favorite Emperor songs. :)
Yeah he definitely was not worth the trouble.
It was one of those "shouldacouldawoulda" guys. I liked him years ago when I was 16, but he didn't like me then, but five years later we met again through odd circumstances..and I went for it.
I had very poor taste in men when I was in high school, now that I think about it.

And yeah I love emperor, some of their song titles are ridiculous but poor english amuses me.