Males and Females

The thing with the so-called friend zone I find is that it is fine if it is a girl you don't want to fuck, but as soon as that girl sparks your interest sexually it is hell. That's why you either have to put a lid on it (the friend zone that is) or make a move to introduce some sexual tension. Otherwise you get stuck listening her drone on about everything under the sun with no real hope of intimate contact.

So yeah try to avoid the friend-zone.
The thing with the so-called friend zone I find is that it is fine if it is a girl you don't want to fuck, but as soon as that girl sparks your interest sexually it is hell. That's why you either have to put a lid on it (the friend zone that is) or make a move to introduce some sexual tension. Otherwise you get stuck listening her drone on about everything under the sun with no real hope of intimate contact.

So yeah try to avoid the friend-zone.

dude, a guy cant and doesnt WANT to be friends with a girl, he only wants to sleep with her or be with her, the sex thing is ALWAYS the main motive.
dude, a guy cant and doesnt WANT to be friends with a girl, he only wants to sleep with her or be with her, the sex thing is ALWAYS the main motive.

Maybe if you're a roid-raging Brock Lesnar loving neanderthal who likes three bands and whose main hobbies include trolling metal forums.
Devasya Chāyā;9436045 said:
I remember V5 getting acquaintance-zoned.

:lol: Yes. Actually I don't give a shit about the chick so it's not a big deal. She's kind of a hipster. I actually was hanging out with a couple friends and her for a bit the other day and she didn't seem to hate me, but whatever. Just not worthy of caring about imo.
Karmablade looks like he sucks cocks. I doubt anyone cares what he thinks when it comes to discussions like this.
NONSENSE! if the girl is REMOTELY attractive then you want to fuck her. The only way a guy is a friend with a girl its when the guy is either gay or the girl is incredibly ugly, fact.

I'm impressed that you're aware that saying "fact" after a statement validates it.

Karmablade looks like he sucks cocks. I doubt anyone cares what he thinks when it comes to discussions like this.

He's actually getting a lot of responses, fact. Feeding trolls is actually a hobby of mine because I like seeing the insults they come up with. I haven't heard or seen someone call another person a wimp since the fourth grade, fact.