Males and Females

So I went to a club tonight and when we went in we were told some frat guy had our tab and cover, and when it came time to leave predictably it turned out he didn't. My friend paid for it and so I felt obligated to beat the shit out of this frat guy but my friend refused to confront him tonight so we're gonna go talk to him tomorrow. Not sure if my friend is actually gonna bring me along or just ditch me, because I'm pretty mad and I can see how I might be a liability. I really wanna hurt this fucker. Fucking douchebag. Told my friend I'd pay him back for half if we couldn't get this fucker to pay. I"m really angry and it's way too early to go to bed.

Just remember the Chinese laundry slogan: Two Wongs Make it White.
yo no creo que esa situacion con ella estaba triste, yo creo que situacions como eso son parte de la vida con los viejas. y porque es bueno que ella me dijo que me gusto? y no mas creo que tu necisitas aser mas fuerter en cachando los mujeres, yo si sabe que eso es que yo necisita.
Vaginas are kinda weird looking and so are penises they need to invent a new reproductive organ that isn't as fucked up, smelly, and one that doesn't grow air.

Damn I remember my ex and I would go at it all Saturday night and then she'd have a Lazy Sunday and I'd come home from work and that shit would smell like a freshly opened jar of lutefisk.
:( I did get some vaginal experience, but not the good kind. :( Still didn't find any smell.
Well, you have to get laid first


Devasya Chāyā;9440220 said:
:( I did get some vaginal experience, but not the good kind. :( Still didn't find any smell.

You make it sound like it's an elusive wood nymph. It's pussy man, she probably cleaned up before letting you plunder the wilderness.

Or, from your story, it sounds like you just foraged on the outskirts.
I don't know if that tense exists in all dialects of Spanish, but I've normally heard something like this

creo que tu necisitas

said like "creo que necesites" or "creo que tú necesites." When expressing an opinion or desire or something, the conjugation of the opposite verb class would be put on the end. In some verbs, the root from the irregular I form would be used.
Or, from your story, it sounds like you just foraged on the outskirts.

Devasya Chāyā;9440303 said:
Nah, I fingered her and I didn't smell anything. I guess cleaning is probably it.

You do know you can put your penis in it, right? Assuming you have one...

I've never experienced a particularly unpleasant smell, but then I like to think I've never been with any particularly slatternly wenches.
Except I hadn't been with her long enough to fuck her. As retarded as it sounds, we were both waiting.