Males and Females

had sex with "dulce soggo" again yesterday. we did a lot of positions and i made a new record of 40 minutes (ok there were a few breaks).
Good job aug! Was it as fun the second time as it was the first time?

Aw, WAIF/Joe is just excited. It's normal to become an overenthusiastic expert on a subject after doing it for the first time. Like when you go on vacation to somewhere for a week and feel like you can give travel tips on going there to people who haven't been before.
CC was banging chicks left and right at MDF so I'd have to agree.

I assume that it's easy to bang bitches when they are obsessed with being "metal".

Cookie prob bleeds Slam as it is.

Not trying to degrade the quality or specialness of your personal time mang. I'm just wondering what the ratio of "woman who won't fuck on the first date" is compared to "I'll blow you behind the dumpster" at MDF
She in my head, now this other chick is not and I have moved on. I feel like a new toy. A New Beginning. YES
If I found out you called your ex the name of a pokemon while making out, I'd probably stop being your friend too.
Devasya Chāyā;9444538 said:
...That's just you, though...

Good job aug! Was it as fun the second time as it was the first time?

Aw, WAIF/Joe is just excited. It's normal to become an overenthusiastic expert on a subject after doing it for the first time. Like when you go on vacation to somewhere for a week and feel like you can give travel tips on going there to people who haven't been before.

You're just sympathetic because you want him to touch your erotogenic zones. And you want to hear about his exploits so you can gauge how good he'll be.

I waited like an hour after meeting the girl the first time I had sex. Therefore I am much more of a sex god than WAIF ever will be.

You just started having sex like, what, a few months ago? And now you can't imagine waiting a year. You waited like 18 or 19 years, right? Shut the hell up.

To be fair, it's one thing to wait 18-19 years and never have it before that point and another to have it at age 19 and then not have it again for a few years. I went 6 years between romps (17 to 23, I reckon) and that's more because I'm just really shy around teh wimminz.