Males and Females

I asked if I'd been friend zoned and she hinted it was more the opposite. I've never expressed feelings to her other than saying I enjoy her company and complimenting her looks. :S
Perhaps if you act like a dick to her, she will fawn over your "nutsack".

Women are stupid, terrible, evil, genius creatures. They are fueled by confusion.
no, just keep hitting it. this is the ideal relationship men aspire to have, dont be a fag.

p.s. all that "i love you" shit in the previous page was really gay too.
This girl with amazing tits came in to my work today. I could tell that she's covered in tattoos, but she wore long sleeves and shit to cover them up. After we talked for a little bit she gave me her name and the place where she works. We were surrounded by my supervisors so I settled for that instead of her number. I'll drag it out a little bit, I think.
Drag queen?

Sorry to hear girl is flaky Sentinel. What Cythraul said. It's not the ideal woman if you'd rather she liked you emotionally too blah blah.
no, just keep hitting it. this is the ideal relationship men aspire to have, dont be a fag.

I presume that you have little evidence for that claim besides what goes on in the world inside your own skull. At any rate, you definitely don't speak for me or any of the guys I know.
Huh? I'm a woman hater because I don't consider having a glorified fuck buddy to be my ideal relationship?
TBH I've lied to women before without even realizing it. I'll say something like "I think you're intelligent." In my head I'm saying "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING YOU DON'T REALLY THINK THAT." Of course they're completely insecure and believe me. And round n' round we go.....

Eventually her ego will have gone from being on the floor to being at the roof. Learn from me kids don't tell women they're intelligent unless you honestly believe it, because she will never admit to being wrong on anything EVER.

For all you women out there this is the secret to getting him to fall hopelessly in love with you, do it.
Telling him he's intelligent? Or getting told I'm intelligent? Huh?

What if both parties are already reasonably intelligent? What if we are both borderline retarded? You suck at this, you'll never write "The Game Volume 2"
Goddamnit. Girl gets hired into the store I work at sometime earlier this year, p. cute, whatever. I start talking to her a bit, but not a ton - then July comes around. We plan to hang out one night but end up having to delay it a bit. She goes camping and texts with me non-stop (like 2000+ texts over the course of that week) and when she gets back we keep talking a lot. We kept talking more then eventually made plans to hang out again and I casually mentioned it to someone at work and she got upset because people started talking as if her and I were dating. I didn't see the big deal about it, but apparently it bugged her so she got a bit pissy over it all so we kind of stopped talking for few weeks as things calmed down. But recently ended up talking to her more again, and it was the whole silly flirty thing it had been before (which is fucking completely gay bullshit - don't be flirty if you just "want to be friends"), and so she ended up inviting me to her Powderpuff football game tomorrow (high school senior, just shut the fuck up with your comments), and so I asked her today when it was - said she'd text me later when it was. Ended up having lunch with her and chilled together on our breaks, and it was seeming to - by my view and a few others - progress beyond that whole "just want to be friends" thing, then out of nowhere I get a text from her saying basically that I shouldn't really even bother going to the game.

It was just such a sudden shift in the way things had been building up. Kind of disappointing, but whatever. Whats a few months wasted time...

I sound vaguely like an episode of Degrassi...