Males and Females


And everyone says it a waste of time, but goddamnit man it doesn't feel like a waste even if realistically it probably is.
:lol: I like how so many people base their idea of an OP's identity on their avatar. blackwizads thinks Mort is a girl, some of you here used to think I was black because of my old avatar. I should change my avatar to Amy from Congo so everyone thinks I'm a talking gorilla.
lol wtf... i thought this was a metal forum of fuckin metalheads. fucking whores, having meaningless sex with slutty wenches then leaving them at the curb the next day (or right after) is as manly and metal as one can get! songs have been written about it! not all this sensitive shit about feelings etc, that stuff's for gays and emos!

I'll be charitable and assume you're just trolling. But I wouldn't be surprised if you were serious. It's well-known around these parts by now that you are a scumbag loser.

Cythraul you go to that goth club for the sole purpose of getting tail do you not?

Even if that were true (and it's not) it would prove nothing about what I think the ideal relationship is.
:lol: I like how so many people base their idea of an OP's identity on their avatar. blackwizads thinks Mort is a girl, some of you here used to think I was black because of my old avatar. I should change my avatar to Amy from Congo so everyone thinks I'm a talking gorilla.

<<<<<I WISH I was this beautiful.
Mort, what the fuck? That shit's creepy. Avoid the sex offender registry at all costs.
ok so mort is a hipster-y dude. that just has a chick avatar. Shit. I was just thinking it was too bad shes not from ny because my lesbo friends would go gaga over her. Thinking he/she was his/her avatar.

17 isn't so bad, isn't that the age of consent? i think it is in ny...maybe...high school girls are lame though.