Males and Females

In Mort's defense if he has a thing for the petite body types of course he'll be drawn to the "high school chicks" because a lot of women are rather thin in high school but then put on weight around 20. I remember in high school everywhere I looked they all looked fine. Freshman year in college they all still looked fine, but year by year the tight bodies got fewer and fewer. At 25 I feel like I'm the pickiest SOB on the planet, but I don't think my tastes have changed so much as the women around me have.

If that is the case with you Mort just get used to being picky. 20 dating a 17 year old is fairly passable, but much more beyond that and it's just going to be creepy. Plus you wouldn't want to date anyone much younger anyway. Today at Arby's I was behind a flock of cheerleaders in line and damn if those weren't some annoying little morons. I felt one urge, and it wasn't in my pants, it was restraining my fist from slapping the dumb twits... I feel like an old man at 25 *grumble* DAMN KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you people, but I'd fuck a 17 year old, are you nuts? And I'm 25 too.

I don't prefer chicks that young mind you, I tend to prefer teh females with a Kim Kardashian-esque body, but accompanied with a brain as well. However, if some hot 17 broad decided she wanted to jump my bones I wouldn't complain or turn it down.
Devasya Chāyā;9453697 said:
Say no to pedophilia.

I think pedophilia is confined to children. I forget the name for it but I think it's technically a different term for sexually-mature-but-under-age-of-consent (I got a C in psychology, hell if I remember)

So look it up and then call Mort that instead. If we're going to call names we should at least be clinically sensitive to his condition :lol:
You say that as if there is anything wrong with having a preference towards that age group - though I won't go as low as 15 haha.
Ah. I think it's probably attributed to poor diet and booze. I'm 23 but people think I'm 17/18 because I'm not too large. I hope it keeps going for a bit, I'd really hate to look old.

Guys have it made because of highschool. Young girls are so easily impressed, all you need is a car and some wine coolers and you're in. Or vodka and love kool-aid.

I WISH I had it that easy. Except hs guys aren't as cool as their female counterparts. I like guys that are mountains of meat with long hair and beard anyway...not skinny can't grow a beard guys. I wish it would be as easy as dangling a cheeseburger on a fishing pole.
Depends on the kind of cheeseburger. I aint even standin' up for that cheap shit mcdonalds/burger king value menu swill.

Edit: also, is it weird that I've never had a girlfriend younger than me?
They've been same age or a year older.
Edit: also, is it weird that I've never had a girlfriend younger than me?
They've been same age or a year older.

Makes sense...means you feel more mature than people your age and want people on your level. Or something like that.
Depends on the kind of cheeseburger. I aint even standin' up for that cheap shit mcdonalds/burger king value menu swill.

Edit: also, is it weird that I've never had a girlfriend younger than me?
They've been same age or a year older.

How bout one of them fancy burgers from chilis? I'll throw in an appetizer...

I really don't think age defines how mature a person is. My ex was 5 years older than me, but he acts like he's 15 still. One of my good friends made me laugh the other day by saying he dresses like a juggalo. But really, he's fucking old as hell and will never grow up. I've met guys younger than me who are definitely more mature. And I've been replaced with someone who is 8 years younger than him...
How bout one of them fancy burgers from chilis? I'll throw in an appetizer...

I really don't think age defines how mature a person is. My ex was 5 years older than me, but he acts like he's 15 still. One of my good friends made me laugh the other day by saying he dresses like a juggalo. But really, he's fucking old as hell and will never grow up. I've met guys younger than me who are definitely more mature. And I've been replaced with someone who is 8 years younger than him...

No appetizer needed, I'm sold.

I've yet to meet a teenager girl that wasnt atleast mildly insane or generally mentally unstable. Not to say older immature females dont exist, because I'm sure they do...
I've always preferred the voluptuous curves of more mature women, and their more sophisticated demeanor. Even when I was 19 and 20, I was chasing women in their mid to late 20's. 25 - 35 is the sexiest age range for women I think.