Males and Females

I'd disagree with Saparmurat_Niyazov. Petite but not super skinny either IMO. IE just naturally small body type but not skin and bones either. That's unfortunately not a body type you can work towards. You either got it or you don't. Zooey Deschanel, Mila Kunis, etc.

I recall making a similar post to this a couple months back... /shrug
I'll be charitable and assume you're just trolling. But I wouldn't be surprised if you were serious. It's well-known around these parts by now that you are a scumbag loser.
of course i was fuckin serious, and that's funny cuz i sure feel like a winner as i'm tunneling into their orifices!

Even if that were true (and it's not) it would prove nothing about what I think the ideal relationship is.
yeah true love and a picket fence, deep down i'm searching for that too... lol
I'd disagree with Saparmurat_Niyazov. Petite but not super skinny either IMO. IE just naturally small body type but not skin and bones either. That's unfortunately not a body type you can work towards. You either got it or you don't. Zooey Deschanel, Mila Kunis, etc.

I recall making a similar post to this a couple months back... /shrug

I think their bodies become more appealing as you move to the right:
I would go for the one in the middle. I'm not for an overblown unnatural looking physique.
This is like when Zeph called someone ugly and then Omni said he's not in the position to call someone ugly. On both occasions Ozzman brushed things off with a joke.