Males and Females

Are men seriously socialized to open doors for women and not their fellow men? It should just be a reflex to be a nice person and keep it open for anyone without even thinking about it.
Oh fuck the whole thing. I hate the whole deal of having a conversation where it isn't mutually accepted that it should be kind of, well mutual and on friendly terms. If women having vaginas enables them to be able to ignore social norms and just be fucking sourpusses then I say that puss is too sour for me. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
The lack of obligation to keep replying, once well into a good conversation spoils online dating for me
The lack of obligation to keep replying, once well into a good conversation spoils online dating for me

The last girl I talked about just doesn't respond or start conversation until I do so I have a feeling she's not interested. However, I think she's just the type really. We were having a beer and I always had to push and push to keep the conversation going. So I guess she's just a boring bitch. That's fine and all, but I won't try any harder tbh.
You're so lucky for being in Prague you know. A lot of Czech guys are like "oooh, could I get with an ENGLISH girl?" but unless they get lucky with some really classy 19 year old version of Jane Seymour, they'll realiser the grass was no greener.
Are men seriously socialized to open doors for women and not their fellow men? It should just be a reflex to be a nice person and keep it open for anyone without even thinking about it.

I'm more likely to do things for women and the elderly. Oh and I've never made a girl pay a cent on a date, even if she offered and theres really no second thought involved. I was raised by my grandfather moreso than my father due to his job, so I guess I was raised in an old school sort of way/thinking.

Also agree with rms, if you want to be equal or not, everyone wants to feel special, especially in someone else's eyes.
I think everything that you're saying Jimmy is true in many instances. Some of the things you're describing are even "norms" of modern dating. My only gripe is you speak as you're speaking universals, when there are many people approach dating/relationships differently.

For example, why is it impossible for a woman to bring a man up financially and make him her "King" so to speak? Plenty of women make big bucks these days and don't have financial worries, so getting involved with a man who makes less money is not necessarily an issue for some of these women, especially if he has other strengths. It all depends on their values.
The misogyny is strong in this thread.

I was reading this article in some white collar magazine (I think it was called Entrepreneurship Today or something of that nature) about how women in entrepreneurial roles have a much harder time, statistically speaking, finding long-term companionship than women in middle-management and support roles. So in terms of Jimmy's perspective of a Woman finding a Man to raise into a King or FiNancial goD of some sort, I think that this is actually an assumption held by men, and for the most part women play the hand that they're dealt in that regard. The problem faced by women in positions of high power is that it's highly unlikely that they'll find someone single who can outperform them financially.

Subtotal: $0.02
Tax: 0.00
Grand Total: $.0.02
I am willing to give it a go, hoping it may develop into something.

Careful buddy.

Ive done this before and its never worked out the way I was hoping for.

Just keep doing what youre doing and be authentic, if it helps her, it helps her. If it opens her eyes to be with you, it opens her eyes. But it sounds like right now shes needs a friend, if you want to be that friend then be that friend, but dont befriend her with the hopes to get in her pants. Just sounds like its setting you up for heartache.

Are men seriously socialized to open doors for women and not their fellow men? It should just be a reflex to be a nice person and keep it open for anyone without even thinking about it.

I think everything that you're saying Jimmy is true in many instances. Some of the things you're describing are even "norms" of modern dating. My only gripe is you speak as you're speaking universals, when there are many people approach dating/relationships differently.

Good point. I'm really just speaking to the common American Males or "Dudes" in this thread.

For example, why is it impossible for a woman to bring a man up financially and make him her "King" so to speak? Plenty of women make big bucks these days and don't have financial worries, so getting involved with a man who makes less money is not necessarily an issue for some of these women, especially if he has other strengths. It all depends on their values.

Well I didn't mean strictly financially. Virtues/values are extremely important and key to being involved with someone on a higher level. What I'm really saying is a Woman instinctively wants to look up to a Man in a King sort of role. When that role is reversed it usually ends up being a miserable relationship.
Keeping doors open for the people coming in behind you, or opening the door for the person on the way out, is just politeness and being a decent human being. And lol at Mort condescending to anyone about intersex/gender/etc. confusion or opinions. Except maybe SS anyway. But I'd feel too bad for SS to condescend.
I used to hold doors open for people but at some point it became too stressful knowing how long to hold it open for, for whom to in case they were offended, etc. Now I just hum to myself loudly so that people think I'm not paying attention to my surroundings (unless I'm with someone, in which case I'll hold it unless they show earlier initiative).