Males and Females

PP gave me an iPod touch for my birthday and Christmas and I'm already obsessed with it. Also got me an orange cat calendar, 6 months worth of Spotify Premium to put on said iPod touch, nice snowpants for winter sports/hiking, and SHPONGLE TICKETS for NYC!!!

Yoda - Squirrel away some $ for Plan B or abortion or whatever quick!

That being said you didn't let loose your torrent of little Yodas so you're proooobably fine. Congrats on losing the big V.

Overwatch - if the same standard applied to women the world would be a different place entirely
I'm hoping there was blood everywhere and your dick looked like a bloodstained murder weapon.

Time to buy new sheets you fucking penile receptacle.
Congratulations Schmidty, if that was your goal. Any further description of said sexual encounter?
Yeah, we never found out the mass of this goth. On the scale from beached whale to the Bagger 288, how big was she?
Hey man congrats, I was 22 when I gave my virginity as a present. Got a lot of shit over the years for it but the wait was soooo worth a night in an expensive hotel room and science museums all the next day.

But I was trashed off Glenfidditch and cried like a fuckin baby. I needed something in common with other women I guess haha
I have a date with this lovely lass this evening. It was going to be Friday, but she wanted to move it up to tonight. She just messaged me at 10 PM last night

I'm the bitch whisperer.

Also cute smile, tan, choice of dress color... she's a goodish girl but daddy didn't help make her that way. Be her daddy. Tell her when she's bad.