Males and Females

Yeah, I've been meaning to go hoggin' with some friends, but I never have any game in person. Like, I walk up them and be like "yo girl, what are you drinking? You like craft beer?" At least with OKC I can message them about something relevant, but I guess that hasn't been working much recently either...

Oh, and I'm fucking shy with the other gender for some reason.

Gotta get over that shyness, bro. How? By trying and getting rejected. Seriously. Once you arent afraid of rejection, like truly arent afraid, thats truly where the shyness dissipates and confidence comes in. More so than finding a common ground to talk about, its all about confidence and good vibes. The conversation just flows naturally when you approach them with those two things.

Most of the women I met are at bars. I have no issue talking to any chick, in any room. But when I first started hitting on women, Id fail. Miserably.

Ill show you the ropes at MDF, bro. This year, were getting you fucking laid.
Yeah, I've been meaning to go hoggin' with some friends, but I never have any game in person. Like, I walk up them and be like "yo girl, what are you drinking? You like craft beer?" At least with OKC I can message them about something relevant, but I guess that hasn't been working much recently either...

Oh, and I'm fucking shy with the other gender for some reason.

I like you, dude. You don't start shit and you just overall seem like a cool guy.

So my advice is to continue being yourself. Don't get so stressed about impressing the bitch. Either she wants you as you are, or she doesn't. People say chicks dig confidence, but they don't explain it correctly and fully... chicks dig guys who are happy enough with themselves to always have the same personality.
We're just people.

Unfortunately the best advice for dating is "be attractive and have a stable personality." Some people have it rough because they lack the potential to develop either. But that's not the case for Mr. Yoda, so hope is on the horizon.
I have several morbidly obese friends that are married to similarly obese women, so being in shape isn't a requirement. Certainly helps though.
Women want the same thing guys want, but they have to cloak it in feminine mysticism lest they be slut-shamed. Culture forces them to behave as they do.
Mathiäs;10820573 said:
I have several morbidly obese friends that are married to similarly obese women, so being in shape isn't a requirement. Certainly helps though.

Well, if you want a chick who's in shape, you probably have to be in shape too. The hot chicks who dig fat guys are rare.
In a general sense I think women do want the same things. It's just that I don't think there's a female equivalent to, let's say, gagging or shooting a load on a pretty face. We're sick fucks really, truly sick.
I like you, dude. You don't start shit and you just overall seem like a cool guy.

So my advice is to continue being yourself. Don't get so stressed about impressing the bitch. Either she wants you as you are, or she doesn't. People say chicks dig confidence, but they don't explain it correctly and fully... chicks dig guys who are happy enough with themselves to always have the same personality.

I should just start telling bitches what my literary interests are and ask them what their thoughts are about Paradise Lost.
I really need to try my line "Hey, I noticed you eyein' me. I was eyein' you. How would you feel about going back to my place, polishing off a 30 rack of PBR and a Dominos pizza while watching Trailer Park Boys?" If that doesn't get their pussy's wet, then I don't know what will.
My best friend and I have a thing called the half hour test. If a girl's not interesting enough to hold up her end of a conversation for half an hour, she's not worth asking out. That's 1 1/2 beers worth of discussion for me, with no allusions to my penis or how awesome I am at cunnilingus.
I really need to try my line "Hey, I noticed you eyein' me. I was eyein' you. How would you feel about going back to my place, polishing off a 30 rack of PBR and a Dominos pizza while watching Trailer Park Boys?" If that doesn't get their pussy's wet, then I don't know what will.

Hell yeah dude. Say 'the bar scene is fucking lame, I could do all this shit cheaper at my place with people I like near me.' Just don't do it creepy like, make sure you have a friend or two over who play wingman well and then have them bust out early. If she stays, she's yours.