Males and Females

I messaged some fat cunts on OKSlut recently and even those fat fucking behemoths won't respond to me, and I fucking know they at least visited my profile. I'm not saying I'm attractive, but bitch, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? I'm far more willing to lick your cunt than whatever other retarded nig is going to message you next.

Seriously, FUCK these fat fucks. I should stop lowering my own standards to such pathetic whores and actually go out and force girls to talk with me. Most women are more willing to hold a conversation with someone in person. I mean, they don't want to come across as a bitch usually and aren't totally upfront about it if they don't like you. At least I'll get a fucking response from those cunts.

tl;dr: fuck cunts and jerk off.


Go to a bar dude. Many a hambeast ready and willing to be mounted thar.
I met a french girl last weekend and I'm completely hypnotized. She's like any other girl really, although she does seem smart; like she has a head on her shoulders. But honestly it's that fucking accent, I didn't think I was this dumb; it's god damn mesmerizing. It deludes me into thinking she's a 26 when she's clearly a 16.

Why do you have that scale?
That's exactly how Plutarch describes what Cleopatra was like. Her beauty was not beyond compare, but charmed everyone with her personality. Makes them think she's a 26 when she's clearly a 16.
I met a french girl last weekend and I'm completely hypnotized. She's like any other girl really, although she does seem smart; like she has a head on her shoulders. But honestly it's that fucking accent, I didn't think I was this dumb; it's god damn mesmerizing. It deludes me into thinking she's a 26 when she's clearly a 16.

Fucking French are monsters of witchcraft. I used to eavesdrop on my old roommate (native French) when he talked on the phone. He sounded goofy and cartoonish in English but went directly to "unfffffff hot" when he switched to French.
Why do you have that scale?

I just think the 1-10 is too condensed. When you see an 8 and I see a 6 it's hard to tell by what and why. But if you see a 24 and I see a 15 we know where we stand as far as taste goes. It also helps by letting you know what kind a game you need to work. Let's be honest, you don't have to work an 8 as much as an 18.

That's exactly how Plutarch describes what Cleopatra was like. Her beauty was not beyond compare, but charmed everyone with her personality. Makes them think she's a 26 when she's clearly a 16.

Zeph, you're the man.
This french chick is a fuckin' G too. I'm texting her, being sweet, flirting and she tells me she wants to dance for me. I asked her "to what kind of music?" she sent me this:

This is just bad news. I feel like Dr Gonzo in Fear and Loathing, when he's obsessing over the journalist and stabbing/ cutting up the orange.
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^I hope this works out for you Jimmy. You're a good dude and I'd like to see you find a cool chick.

Anyways, I think I freaked out last night, and got overly paranoid. I really need to get off the computer when I mess with shit. haha
She probably is. That doesn't bother me though. From what I can read on her, she's a selective slut. She's going to try and make me work, so I'll buy in real hard for let's say a month, then I'll pull a 180 and slowly begin to disregard her. Sometimes they bite, sometimes they don't. Key is not taking any shit.
Go to a bar dude. Many a hambeast ready and willing to be mounted thar.

Yeah, I've been meaning to go hoggin' with some friends, but I never have any game in person. Like, I walk up them and be like "yo girl, what are you drinking? You like craft beer?" At least with OKC I can message them about something relevant, but I guess that hasn't been working much recently either...

Oh, and I'm fucking shy with the other gender for some reason.
Now, I may be unattractive and have poor social skills, but even if I was disregarding that, picking up girls at bars is fucking hard. There will always be better looking and more assertive guys controlling the territory. At least trying on OkC allows one to make a premeditated move and avoid the awkwardness and shame that comes from failing in person.

I wish prostitution was an easier move here. I'd just hire escorts. Fuck it.
Funny because yesterday I talked to like millions of thousands girls. One appeared out just like that and one played fiddle! There were others.
I can't deal with fucking players in clubs. If some guy "takes over" a girl I just got off with, due to having a swagger and retarded manner that she finds intoxicated, at least within the club environment, then really they both need kicking out of a helicopter or something. What the fuck. When did that become socially acceptable. It isn't even big guys half of the time, people I could beat up if I didn't know 3 bouncers would probably jump me out of nowhere and sit on me for hours. Oh I hate those ass holes too. Anyone who gets a massive buzz out of being able to control who goes into a nightclub is a waste of oxygen.
I can't deal with fucking players in clubs. If some guy "takes over" a girl I just got off with, due to having a swagger and retarded manner that she finds intoxicated, at least within the club environment, then really they both need kicking out of a helicopter or something. What the fuck. When did that become socially acceptable. It isn't even big guys half of the time, people I could beat up if I didn't know 3 bouncers would probably jump me out of nowhere and sit on me for hours. Oh I hate those ass holes too. Anyone who gets a massive buzz out of being able to control who goes into a nightclub is a waste of oxygen.

Nice bro. Shout it out.

Dude I'm in shit but I'm really in the mood for some aggression right now. I feel like getting beat up.