Males and Females

I wasn't looking for any kind of closure. She texted me out of the blue, telling me to call her, and at the beginning was all giggly, telling me she liked hearing my voice. Anyways, she still seemed to display the issues with being lonely, having a big ego, and being judgmental that I noticed while dating her (and were pretty much the only things I connected with her on, honestly), so I thought I may as well try to help her.

I got her to open up a bit, but she eventually backpedaled and said nothing was wrong. Oh well. She'll talk to me if she genuinely wants and needs my help.
Guy that can't keep his dick hard during sex and sits around and smokes pot all day has an ex come back into his life and you guys tell him to ignore her. :lol:
Vimana, she contacted you and probably a number of others to boost her ego. imho, She doesn't want your help, she's not genuinely interested in you. You're dealing with an emotionally irrational intellect with a inauthentic agenda

Also, you need a bro.
Guy that can't keep his dick hard during sex and sits around and smokes pot all day has an ex come back into his life and you guys tell him to ignore her. :lol:

The smoking pot part has changed, but you have a point. :lol:

Vimana, she contacted you and probably a number of others to boost her ego. imho, She doesn't want your help, she's not genuinely interested in you. You're dealing with an emotionally irrational intellect with a inauthentic agenda

This is what I suspected. Any interest she had in me was pretty superficial (something I tried to get her to realize). Besides talking about books she was reading, the only times I can remember her sounding remotely amused were when she was talking about other people being stupid. We used to have this pretentious echo chamber, but I got tired of it. I don't know whether or not she did.

Also, you need a bro.

I have one, but he's with his girlfriend more than he's with me. Oh well. I'll meet some people when I take classes this summer.
I hate it when you try to talk to a girl, and one of her friends feels the need to bud in and moderate the convo. Fucking annoying, immature Bullshit. Fuck being young.
Dammit, I got shunned by this girl out of fucking nowhere. I didn't even do shit, but she just stopped replying to me, and she was obviously flirting with me before.

I messaged some fat cunts on OKSlut recently and even those fat fucking behemoths won't respond to me, and I fucking know they at least visited my profile. I'm not saying I'm attractive, but bitch, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? I'm far more willing to lick your cunt than whatever other retarded nig is going to message you next.

Seriously, FUCK these fat fucks. I should stop lowering my own standards to such pathetic whores and actually go out and force girls to talk with me. Most women are more willing to hold a conversation with someone in person. I mean, they don't want to come across as a bitch usually and aren't totally upfront about it if they don't like you. At least I'll get a fucking response from those cunts.

tl;dr: fuck cunts and jerk off.

I think this chick fucking thought I was playing her or some shit, because I was kind of flirty. Fuck, I'm no fucking player, I'm an awkward kid who does nothing but listen to "strange" music in my room all day (she didn't know that tho).

Fuck, my life's been fucking miserable for a while now, and I thought this was something that was going in the right direction. FUCK FUCK FUCK.

^Shit Yoda, that fucking sucks too. Fuck this.
I'm pretty much a recluse at the moment, so yeah, miserable.

I'll violently jack it later, but now I think I'm going to listen to some Paysage or something.
I met a french girl last weekend and I'm completely hypnotized. She's like any other girl really, although she does seem smart; like she has a head on her shoulders. But honestly it's that fucking accent, I didn't think I was this dumb; it's god damn mesmerizing. It deludes me into thinking she's a 26 when she's clearly a 16.