Males and Females

All right, you fuckers made me do it. Here's the results of some 4chan browsing I just did.


Too much everything.
Hendricks is out of control. I think she must be some kind of mutant - and there's no way she looks like that out of her super-supportive undergarments.


Personal goal/favorite shape (only applicable to petite people with slight curves, unrealistic for hippy/booby types)

That's exactly what I look for. My ex ( who was half Asian ) hated the fact that I loved Asian and /or half Asian girls. I always told her our relationship was a contradiction of the self evident. :lol:
I like the skinny asian girls better. I really would rather look like them, than the other girls. Voluptuousness is somewhat scary. I find large breasts to be very intimidating. The more there is of them the more they'll sag later on.

For a guy though, I like them meaty and beastly. Roar.
I like lean dudes. But Ben Klock is the perfect man.


Saparmurat's ladies have unreal proportions. How does that even happen?!?! Also I'm not sure how having big boobs and hips equals poor hygiene...?
The blonde is an actual porn star, I can't remember her name but she has a site. I think it's one of those ones were it's kind of home made and the only dude she shags is her man though.
Saparmurat's ladies have unreal proportions.

They're not too far out of proportion. At least he's not posting pics of skinny chicks with the bust of Ms. Hendricks. I've known guys who have that body type as their ideal and very very rarely will they ever find it.
you mean like anime characters?

I think they are pretty "unreal" in that it is rare as diamonds to find women who have big boobs and hips without also having big everything else
I like the skinny asian girls better. I really would rather look like them, than the other girls. Voluptuousness is somewhat scary. I find large breasts to be very intimidating. The more there is of them the more they'll sag later on.

But you're a lady. I don't see how any man would be intimidated by big, beautiful breasts.

I'll take chunk over skinny as a rail any day.

Fuck yes.

Also, to be fair to Krampus, blackwizardz, and any other UM ladies (or gays?) who care to participate, here's an image of dudes to compare against each other:
