Males and Females

LOL Saparmurat I like how my choices are

Left: Gay twink
Center: Posturing bro midget
Right: Steroid abuser

(choice: if I HAVE to, left.)

I am the opposite of Iamtheblackwizards. I'm not into beasts and I don't think I've ever been attracted to anyone who weighs more than 180 pounds unless they were extremely tall.

My preferred figure is BEN KLOCK but non Ben Klocks are OK too.

Beards are good. Hair can be long or short. All colors with a slight preference for Germanic or Latino or Jewish, and I tend to be less interested in Southeast Asian dudes (except Episteme, he's good looking).

Death Delirium - where's your fucking ********** tattoo, whitey?

edit: forgot st0rmfr0nt was censored
My two favorite body types:

Proto-typical model body, but with a little more meat on her bones in the form of muscle. Because of this her ass is nice and tight and perky and so are her boobs. She probably has the perfect boob size tbh, just big enough that gravity won't fuck them up.


And my personal favorite, just...BAM! everywhere. oh god...drooooooollllll. Luckily my girlfriend got all of the good white genes and all of the good azn genes (aka, big tits, nice ass, more of the azn eye and hair). Maybe this is why I think Kim Kardashian is so fucking hot, she reminds me a lot of my girlfriend, except Kim isn't azn but still.


Bro, ok first off, shave the pubes plz. Secondly, why did you just ruin this page of awesomeness that includes Heidi Klum and Kim Kardashian with a fucking picture if your ugly mug? WE DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT GUYS LOOK LIKE! WE ARE TRYING TO BE SEXIST SNOBS IN HERE
I kind of got ninja'd. If you see the page before.....

and they're not pubes, it's a beard. End of.

Also that's the worst pic of kim kardashian I've seen. Anyway you're on ignore now so that's that sorted.
I kind of got ninja'd. If you see the page before.....

and they're not pubes, it's a beard. End of.

Also that's the worst pic of kim kardashian I've seen. Anyway you're on ignore now so that's that sorted.

You got ninja'd by a whole page? How is that even possible?

Beard shmeard. Either way I was just kidding.

That's not the worst picture of KK, are you nuts? It's a picture of her in a bikini without a fuckload of makeup covering her face (I hate makeup), and she is smoking hot in that picture.

:lol: @ you ignoring me, ligaf. peace
fair enough if you don't like make up. I'm in a woman style bad mood today.

so in other words krampus likes hipsters and people with mole skin hair.
He lied about ignoring you.

I like lots of different types, but hipsters do tickle my fancy in terms of style and aesthetics. Leather jackets are my favorite clothing item on dudes, they drive me CRAZY
Mort, I suggest you get a different avatar and change your sig pic. I was scrolling down this thread, saw your sig, and thought "what? There's a new female poster here and no one told me?" I checked the moment after so I didn't think anything, probably because the teenage-girl vibe didn't surprise me.
He lied about ignoring you.

I like lots of different types, but hipsters do tickle my fancy in terms of style and aesthetics. Leather jackets are my favorite clothing item on dudes, they drive me CRAZY

Haha that's funny I have 2 leather jackets with me here at uni. One is slightly scruffy black one that I took to bloodstock and may well end up getting patches stuck on because its been worn with gravel. The other is some fucking cool (imo) brown leather 70s style one that I like but other people don't seem to. The second one is more expensive but maybe not fashionable idk.
I am no beast either:


The last girl I was seeing had pretty much my preference for body: slightly petite, a healthy slender and proportional
