Males and Females


He looks like he's about to transform into a minotaur and kill us all. Definitely beastly, lol.
they're not "hella nasty," but you might like adds to the uh beastly whatever appearance

he grins and bears them in the "Path to Vanir" video
I don't even know what that means.

hmm. I don't have a real explanation for that. It's kind of like...the people that go to the racetrack, all they serve there is beer, candy and a large assortment of fried foods. I have weird nicknames for types of people. Oh yeah and the people that go to oysterfest. They're Bleacher-Creature Bottom-Feeder eaters.

Anyway, It was mean of me to say that, if that's really you. Sorry. I'm really not much better. You look like a friend of mine.

lol that's why he's friend status only.
Nope. Neither of you are beasts. You have to be large. at least slightly chubby. Then wicked beard and long ass hair. Like don't shave or cut your hair for 3 years or so.
Hairy and big. Looks really scary, but then actually has a heart of gold because they nurse injured kittens. That is a beastmaster. They fucking rule.
i don't even try to pretend to be. i'm just a skinny kid with a cute face and pretty much nothing else really going for me.