Males and Females

Chicks aren't that specific about body types, power and money and promise are more important. means Draele is S.O.L. because pale white girls and Asians tend to be the most concerned with status when choosing a mate.

I prefer body type X but I'm dating someone with body type Y and if the occasion arose I wouldn't say "ew no" to a dude with body type Z.

There are only two dude body types I really hate

1.) Overweight/too jacked
2.) Isolated/beer belly on an otherwise thin dude that sticks out noticeably

Also I don't think anyone really likes girls who aren't muscular. There's nothing attractive about flab, bat wing arms, a floppy gut, or thighs that make clapping noises on their own. With no muscle at all you are either flabby or emaciated. Don't underestimate the power of muscle hidden under fat and skin!
I think all this talk of male body types is going to incite a lot of pictures. :lol:
I'm not fat but I'm not skinny, I lift weights on a regular basis.

And one you can see my eyes in.

There you go.
what do all of you consider too big in terms of muscle on guys? i'm not huge by any stretch but i'm cut and do have bigger muscles than most of the guys I know (i have to stay lean because i'm a muay thai teacher and can't be super slow) but i don't really know what people consider too big or whats good. i don't really give a fuck about image (or else i'd be bulking up my arms huge to be like sup ladiez) but if i'm in a range thats considered good for muscle thats a cool bonus (or a negative if i'm too big which i sincerely doubt).
pics since i don't think most people know what I look like:

All day blue wizard dreams about having sex with that black woman, seriously what the fuck dude. :lol:
Enemy242, I have a fivehead too. We're just smarter and more awesome. Your body is pretty much ideal, good job.

I am FUCKING JACKED below the waist and a Jello Jiggler from the waist up. Gonna go do a million pushups.
so I landed a date with a super cute girl who lives in San Luis Obispo. That's going to be a bitch to drive 3.5 hours to see her, but I think it's going to be worth it...and she's said she's dated guys from LA before and is more than willing to drive down here.

but the point is, she's super cute, funny as hell and I'm pretty excited. we're going out next weekend, so expect a full report
Just out of curiousity, what is the general consensus on gays? Not meaning offense by it, just wondering.
They are fine?

What are you really trying to ask here?

I'm a noob to metal and I'm gay. I just joined a touring band and basically was told to come here to learn everything death metal. It was merely a curious question because with everything else going on in this time when it comes to gay rights and gay publicity I don't want to be chastized. That is all.
I think the response is the same or similar regardless of what music you like, a lot of people really don't care, but there's still those "hate gay" type people, and old people probably don't like you.

I love gay people. Especially the really flamboyant type that rant about hawaiian punch all the time.