Males and Females

I dont have a preference when it comes to women. If I jam with a woman, I jam with a woman.

Ive dated black, white, asian, italian, filipino, thai, indian...Metalhead, stripper, vegan, hippie, crusty, burner, hipster...Bigger and smaller. I dont give a fuck. If Im attracted to you Im attracted to you.

Metal and darker things are just an added bonus, not a requirement.
Ive dated black, white, asian, italian, filipino, thai, indian...Metalhead, stripper, vegan, hippie, crusty, burner, hipster...Bigger and smaller. I dont give a fuck. If Im attracted to you Im attracted to you.

So what are you saying? You date all types? I don't think we get it, name more
I've dated white, white, white, white, white, and white girls. I'm not overly racist, there's just very few people of other colors around my neck of the US.
Haha that made me laugh

How do you make the plumber stop crying?
You kill him

That's what I call fixing a leak
I've only dated white girls also. And they aren't markedly different from each other except that one of them was like a foot taller than me.
All the women I've dated have been white, with each one more attractive than the last. Lot's of different hair colors on them, but I certainly like brunettes over blondes.
I've dated one black chick and I had the best sex ever with her. No comparison. We occasionally still hook up now and then
I would agree that similar taste in music is not a necessary condition for a successful relationship, but it is a HUGE plus if it's there. An ideal romantic partner to me has to also be my best friend (or one of them, at least), and that is greatly facilitated by a common interest in not only attending shows, and discovering and listening to music together, but it also really helps integrate us as a couple into our social group of fellow metal-heads.

The last thing I want is to bring a partner along to gatherings of friends where there is a disconnect in common interests between her and my friends (or vice versa). Sometimes that's unavoidable, such as when my fellow Classics grad student get together, but my truest friends have been my metal bruvs, and LG is one of them.

This is not to say I dislike a partner having divergent interests and friends who aren't really my friends, but everything does need to be in the right proportions.

You make a good point, having common ground is a good start and it does make a lot of other bonding experiences flow more smoothly. I guess the point I was trying to make is that a lot of people consider finding a fellow metalhead their number one requirement in a partner, and that's fucking stupid.

Having it be a requirement is cool and all, but maybe put 'loyal', 'funny', 'laidback' etc a LITTLE higher on the list.
lol "white"... that generic all-encompassing term you people of limited experience use on anything caucasian. i bet all your "white" girls were of inferior to mediocre breeding.

i have fucked a massive spectrum of caucasians, from russians to czechs, hungarians, french, polish, finnish and more... and there are definite differences in facial structure, complexion, physique, etc.

my high-class prostitutes and your plain janes/fatties/valley girls/redneck trailer trash may all be "white" but i fuck those of clearly superior evolution.
lol "white"... that generic all-encompassing term you people of limited experience use on anything caucasian. i bet all your "white" girls were of inferior to mediocre breeding.

i have fucked a massive spectrum of caucasians, from russians to czechs, hungarians, french, polish, finnish and more... and there are definite differences in facial structure, complexion, physique, etc.

my high-class prostitutes and your plain janes/fatties/valley girls/redneck trailer trash may all be "white" but i fuck those of clearly superior evolution.

Only because you pay for it. You probably couldn't get a fat redneck to fuck you for free
lol "white"... that generic all-encompassing term you people of limited experience use on anything caucasian. i bet all your "white" girls were of inferior to mediocre breeding.

i have fucked a massive spectrum of caucasians, from russians to czechs, hungarians, french, polish, finnish and more... and there are definite differences in facial structure, complexion, physique, etc.

my high-class prostitutes and your plain janes/fatties/valley girls/redneck trailer trash may all be "white" but i fuck those of clearly superior evolution.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Strictly speaking, anyone who reproduces lots of offspring who in turn reproduce lots of offspring is "of clearly superior evolution." So rednecks who are popping out 5 or 6 babies are superior to Europeans who are having 0-1 babies.
Arg makes a valid point. What is considered white in America is completely different in Europe. In my home country of Sweden I was considered of a lesser race due to my dark hair and high cheekbones. Similarly it's been ingrained Europe-wide to hate all those greasy Albanians. That I can support though, I mean who the fuck likes Albanians?
Every time I see Aug post something in a thread like this, I remember he's a greasy looking fanny pack wearing Asian and it makes me smile. I'm not sure I could take him serious if he had a gun to my head.
You make a good point, having common ground is a good start and it does make a lot of other bonding experiences flow more smoothly. I guess the point I was trying to make is that a lot of people consider finding a fellow metalhead their number one requirement in a partner, and that's fucking stupid.

Having it be a requirement is cool and all, but maybe put 'loyal', 'funny', 'laidback' etc a LITTLE higher on the list.

I wouldn't say being a metalhead is requirement; being into 'dark' stuff is, however. It just so happens that such a person is unlikely to be completely, categorically, against metal.